Kenny Spruce (full name: Kenneth Warren Spruce) is a cameraman with the Ghostfacers team. His expertise with cameras goes to the lengths of reading the instruction booklets that came with the equipment. He is a licensed shamonologist, having taken some courses at the local community college.
In an extended interview segment on The Ghostfacers website, entitled "Kenny Spruce: Shamonologist," Spruce describes himself, his background, and how he came to be in the Ghostfacers.
He is 15/16th Jew and 1/16th Cherokee, of the Ah-ni-tsi-s-qua Clan, or Bird Clan. His great-great grandfather was a degenerate gambler and had a peyote addiction, but married a Cherokee woman whose father was the owner of the casino where he lost all his money. "Great-great grandmammy Spruce" gave Spruce his necklace, which consists of her tooth on a cord.
Kenneth was a dungeonmaster in the town next to the town in which Harry Spangler was a dungeonmaster. They crossed paths at a couple of Magic: The Gathering conventions, but it wasn't until they destroyed each other in an instance on World of Warcraft that they really became friends. They also went to the Coven premiere, and together formed the first Coven fan club. Harry was president, and Spruce was secretary.