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这个首先是从逆转外文网转来的,我试着汉化一下,错的请指出,不是从逆转吧COPY来的= =

IP属地:浙江1楼2012-11-26 20:20回复
    Phoenix Wright / Ryuuichi Naruhodou / Phoenix Wright
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Height: 176 cm
    Occupation: Defense Attorney
    Official Art / Official Art Young
    "Ace Attorney" and main character of the first three games, Phoenix has wanted to be a defense lawyer since he was a kid, and first appears as the new addition to Mia Fey's law practice.
    Personality: Phoenix is generally easy-going, which usually leads to his friends leading him around. He's dedicated to defending his innocent clients, but because he's just starting out he depends a lot on his boss and mentor, Mia Fey. Phoenix is also a loyal friend who won't back down once he's set his mind on something. He has a bit of a sarcastic side that he usually keeps to himself.
    Misc Facts: Phoenix does not have a driver's license or a car. It's also a little unclear where he actually lives...
    In the original game art for Gyakuten Saiban, Naruhodou was pictured with brown eyes. In the new DS art, however, he's pictured with blue eyes. This has led to the fan opinion that Naruhodou has brown eyes, while Phoenix's are blue.
    Phoenix has been known to tip cows (in the American version).
    The first suggestion for Phoenix's Japanese name was "Souka Naruhodo" ("Oh, yes, I see now") but that was quickly struck down by higher members of the staff. They settled for just Naruhodou instead.
    Director Takumi speculates that before studying to become a lawyer, Phoenix may have gone to college to become a Shakespearean actor. Character artist Suekana, however, prefers to think he would have been a manga artist.
    Phoenix was portrayed by voice actor Takayuki Kondou in the TGS special cases. His other roles include Hiroto Honda (Tristen) in Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Takani in Busou Renkin.
    Dahlia's nickname for Phoenix is "Feenie" (Ryu-chan originally).
    Friends and Family: Phoenix is an only child, but he's close friends with Larry Butz prior to the game, and is Mia Fey's employee. No reference as to his parents.
    Name Origin:
    English: "Phoenix" comes as a reference to his uncanny ability to turn around cases which were almost lost (as the phoenix comes back from the dead). "Wright" is simply a pun ("Is that right, Mr. Wright?").
    Japanese: "Naruhodou" comes from the Japanese word "naruhodo," which means, "I see" or "Is that so?" Ryuuichi is simply a name the creator liked (though its use of the kanji for dragon is played upon in GS3).
    In Phoenix Wright, the Feys call Phoenix "Nick," as a shortened form of "Phoenix." In Gyakuten Saiban, they call him "Naruhodo-kun."
    Background: Spoiler: 1-4 When Phoenix was 9 he was accused in his class of stealing another student's lunch money (Edgeworth's). The class held a "trial" and determined him to be guilty, as he hadn't felt well enough to join the kids in PE, and was therefore alone in the classroom when it happened. In the end Edgeworth stood up to the class to declare Phoenix innocent, as they had no conclusive proof that he'd done it. It was because of this incident that Phoenix decided to become a defense attorney, so that no innocent person would have to suffer the feeling of being falsely accused. Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Larry became friends after that, until Edgeworth was abruptly transferred out of their school. Years later Phoenix began hearing the rumors about Miles Edgeworth, the "Demon Prosecutor" who would go so far as to fabricate evidence to win a case. Phoenix tried to contact him but was ignored, and in the end strengthened his interest in the law so that he would eventually be able to face Edgeworth in court. Spoiler: 3-1

    IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体2楼2012-11-26 20:21

      IP属地:浙江3楼2012-11-26 20:22
        成步堂 龙一
        性格:成步堂是一个普通的随和的人,经常有朋友在其身边,他专心的投入于为无罪的辩护,但刚开始,他依靠了他的导师很多,导师是千寻。他是一个忠心的朋友,从不会丢下朋友,对事情很专注,他经常吐槽他自己(= =)
        在初始游戏中,Gyakuten Saiban(这是谁,谁告诉我一下)成步堂有着褐色的眼睛,但在DS中,他的眼睛是蓝色的。这使得粉丝们在他蓝眼睛时主张他是褐色眼睛。。。。。。
        在美版中,Phoenix为tip cows(这是什么。。。小费牛?)所熟知。

        IP属地:浙江4楼2012-11-26 21:07
          成步堂 龙一在日版中原名为“SOKA RARUHODO”(“是这样,原来如此”之意)但很快被4否决了,只留下NARUHODO。
          在TGS特别法庭中,他的CV为Takayuki Kondou,这个CV也配音了 Hiroto Honda (Tristen)在Yu-Gi-Oh!中, 和Takani 在 Busou Renkin中.。。。(我真的不知道)

          IP属地:浙江5楼2012-11-26 21:18

            IP属地:浙江6楼2012-11-26 21:20

              7楼2012-11-27 00:46

                8楼2012-11-27 11:07
                  juliu有心了呀!!大感谢。。话说不知道怎麼称呼你0 0

                  9楼2012-11-27 12:06
                    そか、なるほど……= =

                    来自Android客户端10楼2012-11-27 18:08

                      IP属地:浙江11楼2012-11-27 20:35

                        IP属地:浙江12楼2012-11-27 20:38

                          IP属地:浙江13楼2012-11-27 20:58
                            Mia Fey里千寻
                            Age: 27
                            Gender: Female
                            Height: 168 cm
                            Occupation: Defense Attorney
                            Official Art

                            Head of her own criminal defense law firm, Mia Fey is Phoenix's boss and mentor.
                            Personality: Always cool under pressure, Mia Fey is smart, tenacious, a strict teacher and sometimes even coy. She has a great affection for her sister but is also very independent, and strives to uncover truth at all costs.
                            Misc Facts: She seems to have a problem with names, calling "Naruhodou" "Naruhodo" (there is a difference!) in the Japanese game, and Larry "Harry" (in the Japanese, Yahari becomes Yappari).
                            In the original script Turnabout Sisters was going to be the first case, but the writers changed their mind, so that Mia would be able to interact with Phoenix more as his mentor before that case occurred.
                            Friends and Family: Mia has a younger sister, Maya, who she's very close to despite their age difference. Her mother Misty has been missing for 15 years, but she has an aunt, Morgan, and a cousin, Pearl.
                            Name Origin:
                            English: "Fey" was probably chosen as a last name because of it's connection to magic/spiritualism (as in, Morgan le Fey). Mia was probably chosen to go with Maya.
                            Japanese: The name "Chihiro" the creator describes as being a pun - the kanji together mean "1000 questions," meaning, "If I have to ask him 1000 times, I will!" The second kanji is also the first kanji in "Cross examination."

                            IP属地:浙江14楼2012-11-27 20:59

                              IP属地:浙江15楼2012-11-27 21:03