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Concord Manipulation
In an earlier post, I demonstrated how deliberately spawning multiple Concord squads at a random planet in Kamio increased our gank squad's attack potential by 50%. Unless you happen to have a lot of extra people in your fleet, the 50% will make the difference between success and failure.
Here's the quick summary, in case you missed it: If there's no Concord in system, Concord will spawn next to the ganker. In a 0.7 system like Kamio, that takes about 12 seconds. If Concord is already in system (for example, at an asteroid belt), Concord will warp to the ganker. That takes about 18 seconds. For those of you who get chased by faction police, it still benefits you if Concord's already in system, since faction police takes longer than 12 seconds to respond.
Lesson One: Before going on a ganking run, get Concord to spawn. Don't be lazy! If you're willing to spend training time and isk to increase your DPS by various percentages, surely spawning Concord is worth the 50% bonus you get.
Each Concord squad can only attack one ganker at a time. If multiple gankers shoot a Mackinaw simultaneously, additional Concord squads will either spawn in or move from elsewhere in the system. So if there are two Concord squads in the system and your fleet has five gankers, two gankers will get stopped in 18 seconds, and the other three gankers will get stopped in 12 seconds.
Lesson Two: Spawn as many Concord squads as you have gankers in your fleet. That way, your whole fleet gets the 50% bonus.
Spawning Concord is easy, and they generally stay in system until the next downtime. Get your fleet into rookie ships (or any cheap ship with a gun) and have them fire on a secure container or something else that doesn't belong to them. Do it simultaneously, and you'll have a Concord squad spawned in for each of you. This will also draw away any Concord that may be loitering in the ice field.

IP属地:辽宁1楼2012-12-19 13:15回复
    Suppose you want to roam around a few systems and gank some miners. You may be tempted not to bother spawning Concord, on the assumption that it takes 15 minutes per system out of your busy ganking schedule. Not so! You can rapidly prime multiple systems by using the undock trick. Here's how it works:
    First, prime one system in the usual manner, by simultaneously shooting a container with multiple rookie ships. After you get blown up, have your fleet (which will still be in pods) jump into the next system you want to prime (such as Halaima). Have your fleet of pods all dock in the same station, where a rookie ship will be waiting for each of you. Simultaneously undock and wait a few seconds for multiple Concord to arrive/spawn.
    You get the idea now. Once blown up, warp your pods to the next system on your list and undock from a station there. And so on. Within a few minutes, you'll already have all those systems ready to go, for the whole day. You'll only need to wait out the final 15 minute timer, during which your scout(s) can search for targets in all those systems.

    IP属地:辽宁3楼2012-12-19 13:17
      Dealing with Faction Police and Other Busybodies
      Last time, I gave instructions on manipulating Concord to minimize their impact on our glorious ganking operations. For traditional gankers, the story pretty much ends there. But the Knights of the Order spurn the comforts of positive sec status (and the discomfort of grinding it back up). When your sec status dips below -5.0, you will be chased by faction police in every highsec system, and all other players will be free to attack you without Concord interference.
      How can a ganking fleet operate under such conditions?
      1. Everyone undocks together.
      2. Everyone fleet-warps to the insta undock.
      3. Everyone fleet-warps to the warp-in.
      4. Shoot the miner.
      5. Get away with your pod after you're blown up.
      That's it, see you later and happy ganking. Well, actually that's the short version. Read on if you're interested in learning more about the mechanics behind it.
      If you intend to perform more than a couple ganks, your sec status will drop like a rock. It didn't used to be nearly this severe, but the carebears whined for more protection and they got it. These days, it's difficult to be a ganker at all, if you intend to preserve your sec status.
      My own ganker alt, Currin Trading, is already below -5.0 and quickly heading toward minimum sec status. (On a side note, isn't the new "wanted" sign a little obtrusive, given the fact that everyone has a bounty now?) Currin Trading has virtually no skillpoints, so it's not like he can fly out to nullsec and take down a few hundred NPC battleships to grind sec status back up. Sec status goes up only in small increments, and it would drop down so quickly again anyway.
      Currin Trading will never have positive sec status ever again. Instead of avoiding this condition, he will embrace it, changing how he lives in highsec. If you have negative sec status, you should always be doing one of three things: Warping, preparing to warp, or shooting miners.

      IP属地:辽宁5楼2012-12-19 13:20
        If you're always warping or shooting, that means no waiting around. It also means no moving long distances toward a target. You'll need a very accurate warp-in. The fleet of gankers must move together at all times--no more rallying at a planet as everyone joins the group one-by-one. Your only rallying point is the station you're all docked in.
        The commander of the ganking fleet should ensure everyone is ready before taking a step toward the next gank. Then he will count down, and everyone will undock at once. Afterward, he'll keep everyone together by using the "fleet warp" command. A ganker's first independent action will be firing upon the target.
        Lesson One: The commander will keep everyone together by counting down for the undock and using fleet warps.
        Lesson Two: While you're in warp, prepare by memorizing the target's name, grouping your guns, and overheating (if you have Thermodynamics trained).
        If you have a target lined up in another system (such as Halaima, one jump from Kamio), you can jump through the stargate and hold your cloak for a few seconds while everyone enters the new system. Then fleet-warp to the warp-in.

        IP属地:辽宁6楼2012-12-19 13:20
          The problem of faction police can be dealt with by sticking together and getting good warp-ins, but it won't solve the problem of busybodies--all those players who want to shoot at you because you have -5.0 or worse sec status. The New Order has become very well known in Kamio, so sometimes they'll camp the station with fast-locking ships.
          In nullsec, station undocks can be bubbled to death. There have been cases of stations being camped nonstop for days or even weeks at a time. In highsec, however, station camps can be trivially easy to avoid.
          You're invulnerable for several seconds after you undock. When you start aligning to warp somewhere, you lose your invulnerability. This is when a station camper will attack. But with an "insta undock" your align time is effectively zero, and you warp instantly. There's no gap between the undock invulnerability and the warp, so the enemy camp watches helplessly as the fleet of gankers shoots right by them.
          Every ship that undocks a station follows the same exit path. An insta undock is simply a bookmark of a location lined up with that exit path. You undock pre-aligned to it. Only the fleet commander needs a copy of the bookmark, since he'll fleet-warp everyone to it after you all undock.
          Lesson Three: After everyone undocks, the commander should fleet-warp everyone to the insta undock to avoid enemy camps.
          You should probably get a copy of the bookmark, though. Your fellow gankers will be happy to share. Bookmarks can be copied by holding "shift" and dragging them from your People & Places window into the item hangar.
          Insta undock bookmarks are created by having a very fast ship set maximum speed after undocking. The ship will continue flying along the exit path. You'll want to create the bookmark after passing at least 1,000 km from the station. That way, when you warp past the enemy camp, you'll disappear from their view, and they cannot camp the bookmarked location.

          IP属地:辽宁7楼2012-12-19 13:20