青岛双星吧 关注:34,313贴子:746,674
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致麦迪的一封信~ 忘亲启.



首先,感谢你,感谢你让我这八年有了信仰,从懵懂的小学到现在萌动的高中,我看着你的比赛一天天长大, 回忆中你的表演让人看完合不拢嘴,只属于你的35,只属于你的22连胜,只属于你的干拔.不可否认,很多人爱你,很多人会给你写信件,而我写给你的东西,可能你不可能看到,但我会祈祷,在某一天某个时刻,你看到了网上流传的这一封信,你捡起了塞在你房门底下的白色信封.
我喜欢你蛮不讲理的干拔,我喜欢你潇洒飘逸的后仰,我喜欢你不可一世的骑扣,我喜欢你桀骜不驯的眼神,虽然这些我都学不会- - 场外,你很和善,你会不停的做着慈善,为无数贫困无助人员伸出援手.场内,你又会变得很冷血,我知道那是你对胜利的渴望,你犹如一个杀手,总在所有人都束手无策时突然出现,将对手近乎到手的胜利扼杀,我爱你,无可争辩!

1楼2012-12-26 19:51回复
    ,激动的不知道该说什么好.很遗憾,被绝杀了,看到你满脸沮丧的走回更衣室,,涩涩的疼了一下.33岁了,对于一个篮球运动员,早已过了黄金年龄,或者说你已经老了,可是你还要每场拼36分钟,真的为你担心啊,你的膝盖,你的腰,都是我担心的地方啊,还好,至今你身体没有问题. 不要在比赛中太拼,要知道保护自己知道吗,虽然篮球是你的命..
    20121224,个人认为是青岛队打的最好的一场比赛,40+5+2,这是你今天交出的答卷,麦密们很满意,只要能看到你打球,你得多少分都不重要了. 呼呼,12连败. 作为一个青岛人,我也不知道该说什么好,队员们都很拼,教练也用心布置战术了,下一场跟江苏打,12年最后一场比赛了,也许会转运的~ 纵使青岛队这赛季全输了,我也爱你,因为我是麦密,更是青岛人.

    3楼2012-12-26 19:51
      但愿英文的你能看懂~ 本人水平有限 嘿嘿。

      5楼2012-12-26 19:52
        already had the golden age, or you already old, but you also every spell 36
        minutes, really worried about you ah, your knees, your waist, I worried about
        ah, well, your body has no problem. Don't in the game too hard, want to know
        about protecting themselves know, although basketball is your life..
        On December 24, 2012 individual
        thinks is Qingdao team played the best of a game, and + 5 + 2, is this your
        hand today, MaiMi answers are very satisfied, as long as can see you play, you
        have to how many points are not important. Whish, 12 straight. As a Qingdao
        person, I also don't know what to say, the players are very spell, the coach
        also decorated with tactics, the next with jiangsu play, is 12 years in the
        last game, may transfer ~ even if Qingdao team this season all lost, I love you
        too, because I am a MaiMi, is Qingdao people.

        Had heard, god has two sons,
        Tracy McGrady, kobe. I admit that kobe Bryant is very good, but in my heart,
        you will always be god's son, will not change, dear t-mac, how I want to get
        back to the past, let you go back to the top. But it is not real, McGrady
        brother, please forget those things down, I know your dreams have how far you
        will fly far, you still owe the MaiMi a championship ` . Come on

        In January 2013 and day, Qingdao
        will be held in Beijing with the game, I will see you with fatty BinBin game,
        when the time comes I will let
        吉喆 know what is MaiMi, what is Qingdao. I will know you
        for aggressive you will have what kind of return. Soar right, Tracy McGrady, in
        China show your wings, to the sky, and finally took the clouds hanging in the

        Anywhere you are, I 'm near.
        you go, I 'll be there

        December 23, 2012 late

        Your fans: zheng shunli

        Ps;可能英文有所差异,毕竟水平没到家,希望麦迪哥哥见谅. 加油~

        7楼2012-12-26 19:54