After releasing their debut album as finger eleven in august of 1997, Tip, on Mercury Canada, and releasing the song Tip as the first single accompanied by a video, finger eleven was subject to budgeting. A key factor could have been that the president, who hired them, was fired. Shortly after their album was released, drummer Rob Gommerman left the band to pursue his academic interests. He was replaced by Rich Beddoe who is still their drummer to this day.
在他们于1997年8月发行了作为Finger Eleven的首张专辑Tip(厂牌Mercury Canada),以及作为第一首单曲的Tip及其MV后,Finger Eleven被迫开始重新规划,一个重要的原因是——与他们签订合约的总裁被解雇了。在专辑发行不久后,鼓手Rob Gommerman离开乐队去继续他的大学生活。他被Rich Beddoe取代,Rich直到现在仍然是Finger Eleven的鼓手。