Cosmo Blazer
SP:2013 1/19~20
CBLZ-EN000(SR)Noble Arms - Caliburn(高贵武器-石中剑) 装备魔法
"Noble Arms - Caliburn"在自己场上只能表侧表示存在1张。只能给战士族怪兽装备。装备怪兽的攻击力上升500。1回合1次:自己可以增加900基本分。场上表侧表示存在的这张卡被破坏并送去墓地的场合:可以选择自己场上1只名字带有"Noble Knight"的战士族怪兽;装备这张卡。"Noble Arms - Caliburn"的效果1回合只能使用1次。
CBLZ-EN017( ? )Healdic Beast leo(纹章兽 狮子)
CBLZ-EN021( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk(英炎星-鹰荣)
CBLZ-EN022( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven(捷炎星-清鸦)
CBLZ-EN023( R )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla(勇炎星-猿胜)
CBLZ-EN024(UR/UTR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear(暗炎星-熊志)
CBLZ-EN025( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon(微炎星-龙史进)
CBLZ-EN026( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake(雄炎星-蛇林)
CBLZ-EN027( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow(威炎星-飞燕灼)
CBLZ-EN045(UR/UTR/GR)Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon(No.92 伪骸神龙 心地心龙)
CBLZ-EN046( ? )Number 53: Heart-eartH(No.53 伪骸神 心地心)
CBLZ-EN048(UR/UTR)Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King(魁炎星王-宋虎)
CBLZ-EN051( ? )Diamond Dire Wolf(恐牙狼 钻石恐狼)
CBLZ-EN058( ? )Fire Formation - Tensu(炎舞-「天枢」)
CBLZ-EN059( ? )Fire Formation - Tenki(炎舞-「天玑」)
CBLZ-EN070( ? )Heraldry Change(纹章变换)
CBLZ-EN071( ? )Fire Formation - Tensen(炎舞-「天璇」)
CBLZ-EN072( ? )Fire Formation - Tenken(炎舞-「天权」)
CBLZ-EN073( ? )Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito(极炎舞-「星斗」)
CBLZ-EN09?( ? )Ignition Beast Volcannon(起爆兽 火神炮龙)
CBLZ-EN097( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince(炎星侯-马信)
CBLZ-EN098( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit(炎星师-张天)
CBLZ-EN099( ? )Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor(炎星皇-晁狮)