英翻:Vika, please write to us the results of the survey (at least briefly) and estimates of the timing recovery, we are very worried, really = (((
娃娃回答:I will be tested as a home coming!
This is where that 27-28
如果我没有理解错的话,娃娃的意思是现在在接受治疗,然后通过一个测试就可以回去。大概27—28号的样子接受这个恢复测试。 要请海盗娘娘来帮忙翻译了 @sa娇海盗
娃娃回答:I will be tested as a home coming!
This is where that 27-28
如果我没有理解错的话,娃娃的意思是现在在接受治疗,然后通过一个测试就可以回去。大概27—28号的样子接受这个恢复测试。 要请海盗娘娘来帮忙翻译了 @sa娇海盗