第一集. The Lullabye 摇篮曲 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. Watch as Neil falls for the serenade of an angelic menagerie. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑.请收看neil在动物天使的摇篮曲中坠落的全过程.
第二集. NPH & Nathan Fillion in DOCTOR'S OFFICE 医生办公室 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. In this episode, Neil's unique physiology causes a stir in the puppet medical community. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. 在这一集, neil同学独特的生理构造引起来木偶医学界的轰动.
第三集. THE RESTAURANT 餐馆 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. In this episode, Neil grapples with pushy customers and punny puns. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. 在这一集, neil努力应付着咄咄逼人的顾客和各种双关语.
第四集. TO CATCH A PUPPETEER 抓住木偶人 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. Neil's questionable dream morals get him into a minor handful of trouble. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. neil做梦时奇怪的道德观给他带来了一些麻烦
第五集. NPH & Joe Manganiello crash David Burtka's Dream bump 三人之间梦的碰撞 (Joe Manganiello -- HIMYM中布莱德的扮演者) Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. In this episode, Neil is faced with the discovery that some dreams are just better than his. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. 在这一集里, neil发现别人的梦比他的好玩多了
第六集. NPH Gets Abducted - ALIEN ABDUCTION 外星人绑架事件 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. In this episode, Neil becomes acquainted with some way-out-of-towners. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. 在这一集,这货竟然跟外星人熟络起来了.
第七集. BOLLYWOOD 宝莱坞 Welcome to the brain of one of the sickest puppeteers ever encountered - Neil Patrick Harris. In this episode, Neil musically grapples with the love that dare not moo its name. 欢迎来到对木偶深度中毒的Neil Patrick Harris的大脑. 在这一集中...(其实吧,这句我不会翻= =)总之是用音乐表现了一段爱情.(禁断的爱么~~= =)