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贾斯汀比伯新歌《nothing like us》唱给selena的分手歌


Selena Gomez told the world how she's feeling about her split with Justin Bieber with a cover of Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me A River," and now Bieber has a breakup song of his own directed at the former Disney star. 赛琳娜用一首《泪流成河》告诉全世界她和贾斯汀·比伯分手的感觉,现在比伯也唱了一首献给前迪士尼明星女友的分手歌。 The 18-year-old told Billboard magazine that his new song, "Nothing Like Us," is all about the his split from Gomez, whom he dated for two years. 这位18岁的歌手告诉Billboard杂志,这首新歌"Nothing Like Us"是关于他和赛琳娜结束了两年恋爱后的感受。 The lyrics to "Nothing Like Us" definitely mirror Bieber and Gomez's on-again, off-again romance and suggest he couldn't deal with their fighting anymore, as he sings about being confused by a girl who pushed him away. 歌词写出了比伯和赛琳娜分分合合的恋爱,并暗示了他无法再忍受他们之间的争吵,他在歌里唱到自己被这个赶他走的女孩搞得很困惑。 Bieber opened up about his breakup with the 20-year-old singer and actress for the first time, telling Billboard: 比伯第一次谈到了和20岁歌手兼演员的女友赛琳娜的分手,他告诉Billboard: "I'm not in the happiest place that I've ever been. I'm trying to get through what I'm going through. Like I said, I have my really close friends to cheer me up and keep me going," he told the magazine.” “我现在不是很开心,我试着去熬过这段艰难时刻。像我说过的,我有好朋友们给我鼓励并让我坚持下去。”他告诉Billboard杂志。 As for all the speculation about what ended the former pop power couple's relationship, Bieber wouldn't elaborate, but he did clear up a few reports: 对于这对情侣分手原因的诸多猜测,比伯没有细说,但他在报道中简单澄清了: "There's so many rumors. People say I call Selena every day and she won't pick up the phone or I'm chasing her down, and these are all fake stories," he told the magazine, adding that he tries not to pay attention to gossip. “现在有很多谣传,人们说我每天都打给赛琳娜打电话但她都不接,或者我还在努力追回她,这些都是编出来的故事,”他这样表示,并且说自己现在试着不去注意这些流言。

1楼2013-02-01 08:55回复

    2楼2013-02-02 09:17
      @告诉别人我想你 你就不能给我个精品吗????

      3楼2013-02-13 18:39