
由于这俩位都是英国演员,所以外粉们给他们设计了一段Deleted lines
The Governor: All right. 【好吧】
Rick: Okay. 【嗯】
The Governor: We're alone. 【就我们俩了】
Rick: 【沉默】
The Governor: 【沉默】
Rick: 【沉默】
The Governor: *(sighs)* Ah, we can finally be ourselves, again. Would you like a cup of tea?
Rick: Yes, please. And a biscuit. 【哦,谢谢,请再来点饼干吧】
The Governor: Care for a Bourneville? 【Bourneville饼干怎么样?】
Rick: Oh, yes, I quite like those. 【哦,谢谢,我挺喜欢的】
The Governor: *(sighs)* It's a relief to speak in our normal accents, again.
Rick: Yes, it is, rather. 【我也这么觉得=w=】
Ps .这就是传说中的Bourneville饼干~~看起来还不错