(排名不分先后,想到哪写到哪) 1.《Tim Mcgraw》and i'm back for the first time since then / i'm standing on your street /and there's a letter left on your doorstep / and the first thing that you'llread 这首歌响起,永远让我想回忆。 前奏、副歌、bridge(话说这个中文应该叫什么?),都像是一个女孩情真意切地唱着,怀念着和旧时恋人时光。歌词也更像是一封寄给初恋的信,带着点涩又不失甜蜜。而说起信,总是对信总是有很特别的感觉,即使没试过和别人通信。但印象中,信寄托着很多美好的期望,能跨越时空带立即感受两人在一起的感觉,所以觉得这首歌的歌词很青葱岁月。
2.《Dear John》you are an expert at sorry/and keeping lines blurry /never impressed by me acing your tests /all the grils that you run dry /have tired lifeless eyes / cuz you burned them out/but i took your matches before fire could catch me /so don't look now/i'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town一直是我心中taylor怨气漫天的怨曲top1 此曲怨气,数SNtour的live为至盛!看着taylor失望、指责的眼神,控诉的手势,哀怨绝望地唱着这首长到不得了的歌(这也是另一首长长长啊),却总不忍cut歌,只因为一直在等这个bridge。live里伴随着sad empty town和背景乐几度燃起的烟花,让人回肠荡气之余,也会让我想起另一句歌词crash and burn and come back someone new /and that's what i learned from you。结束了一段很糟糕的恋情,就模仿taylor live的手势拖长气唱这首歌吧!
3.《The Story Of Us》This is looking like a contest /Of who can act like they care less 重遇ex,沉默或是装作“我过得很好”或是冷眼以对?无论选择哪种都觉得矫情到不像自己,只因没那么容易放得下。 说起这首歌,不会特别喜欢,但是却很喜欢歌中那种抓狂的氛围,加之,歌词很真实。而这里的bridge不同taylor其它大部分歌曲一样,把副歌的气氛一推再推,反而有点发泄后的疲倦,却一针见血,也写出自己的软弱。剑拔弩张,倒不如过往我俩你侬我侬。说穿了,I'm not over you , I miss you.