孙华阳铁岭吧 关注:7贴子:68
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 当你站在灾难后的遗迹前  When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown  当你等待着不可预测的变化  With the cataclysm raining down  此时灾难即将瓢泼而至  Insides crying "save me now"  你的内心哭喊着“拯救我”  You were there impossibly alone  却无法忽视万分孤单的处境  [Chester Bennington]  Do you feel cold and lostin desperation  是否你感到冰冷无助?  You build up hope but failure's all you've known  你满怀希望但最终充满绝望  Remember all the sadness and frustration  记住这所有的悲哀和沮丧  And let it go let it go  然后让时光冲刷掉这些不快  [Mike Shinoda]  And in the burst of light that blinde

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    来自Android客户端2楼2013-05-01 11:26