by Agrajag » Mon May 13, 2013 11:24 pm
Looks like ******************* is how they dummy out text now, guess they're tired of people like me ripping out things about the FUTURE, heh.
Random snippets from the text files:
Rare Goronzoran is named "Zoron Goraal" (ゾロン・ゴラール).
There's a team room attendant named "Ricardo" (リカルド). The others are uninteresting.
There's a "Favors Dewmans" character trait (デューマン好き).
The bird(bird(crow)) enemy type is "Chimera"; there's a character trait for fighting them (キメラ狙い).
There are 6 new item affixes--Alter Arma, Alter Tiro, Alter Magia, Flict Arma, Flict Tiro, Flict Magia. Basically souls (Alter's +30 HP/+20 *attack stat*, Flict is +3 PP/+20 *attack stat*).
"Arks Road" is a thing. It has ranks, and cards with rewards.
Bingo cards: Also exist. Appear to be like bingo cards, but I don't know the specifics (I think they're CO-ish?).
"Katana" and "Compound Bow" are the confirmed weapon names ("カタナ" and "コンパウンドボウ").
Event quests are "Limited Quests" (期间限定クエスト), for the 3 of you who care about naming conventions.
Swordarcher's real name is "Braver" (ブレイバー).