【线路二·Chapter 9】夜诉心声
“我好想在海边有个家。”Nikita突然开口说道,想起了他们约定的Goa,“just thought it would be nice to have the ocean as my front yard.”Nikita的嘴角浮现出浅浅的弧度,对未来的憧憬总是美好的。
“Well, for now, the ocean is your front yard.”Michael打趣的回答道。Nikita咯咯的笑了,也许生活的幸福就来自这不经意间的点点滴滴。
“There is no rush.”简单的一句话中却有着太多的顾虑。他一直没有问她,这十几天的日子里,到底发生了什么。是的,他有着太多的问题,太多的答案想知道,但是又没那么想知道。她若是不想谈,他不想逼她。“But, look, if this is too much for you, because say the word, and we’ll scrap the whole thing. That’s a promise.”Michael继续说道,“And I’m here, always.”
“No.” Nikita却毅然的答道,“But it would be a lie not to tell you, and I want you to know that I’ll never lie to you, and I’m sorry.”她不想在这样下去了,心照不宣的两个人,若是不把这个心结打开,在一起的日子,不论是短暂的现在,还是所有事情都解决之后的未来,都将会是无比的尴尬。也许这就是所谓的最熟悉的陌生人。“You know that the only thing that kept me to go on no matter what would happen was the thought of being with you.”
“And, the reason I left is just that I’m afraid that I’m your hindrance
to your freedom.”Nikita继续说道。
“Yeah, liability.”Nikita自顾自的点了点头,重复道,“I always think that Amanda is so right that our loved ones are our liabilities.”
“But you also need to remember that you are my liability too. If there is anything that happens to you, I think I’m gonna blame myself and spend the rest of my life punishing myself for losing you.”Michael伸手握住了Nikita的手,“and I don’t want to live a life like that, again.”
Nikita smiled.
“By the way, Amanda isn't correct always.”Michael继续说道。
接着,Nikita便娓娓道来这十几天里发生的事情。“The man you and Alex saw
outside the safe house in Texas was Whitfield.”等等,Nikita转念想想,现在还不能确定Whitfield和Amanda还有Shop的关系,所以故事上要有所保留,等到证据确凿那天,再和盘托出也不迟。“The mission in Panama was supposed to be my last mission, in
exchange for a safe house somewhere in the world, and all he asked for was the Pad.”
“Oh, right. Is there any tracking device or GPS on that pad?”Nikita突然想起来这个问题,之前光是着急相信Whitfield的了。
“放心,Birkoff has disabled all that already. We are safe.”Michael reassured.
“You know, sometimes I feel that our choices define who we are.”Nikita换了个话题。
“But I believe that our past defines who we are.”Michael disagreed.“You know, there is no way changing the past, so whoever we are now, we should accept ourselves, and rather than regretting what we have done in the past, we should focus on the future.”Michael继续说,“So, can we make a deal right now that we’re even, and just wipe the slate clean, and no guilt and no responsibility. If we’re gonna be together, I don’t want it to be out of a sense of obligation. Or, or even that we should be, because of what we’ve been through, I, I just want to start over.”
轻轻拉开她,Michael的手抚上Nikita的脸颊,他侧过头,试探的向前凑过去,he just wants a kiss。A kiss, and that’s
all. He misses her so so much. 就在要亲上的一瞬,Nikita却侧过头去,躲开了。尽管她是那么的爱他,可是……“I’m…”Nikita无奈的笑了,“I don’t
think… I’m sorry... I’m just…”Michael笑了,Nikita好久没有看到他那么由心的笑了,“It’s alright.”Michael说。 两人额头相抵,Nikita也笑了。
送她到房间,“Sleep tight.”Michael吻了吻Nikita的额头,然后转身关上了房门。
Hope you would enjoy this!~~~
Good night~