So far I have to say that if fans of bass worried about the bass of VSD1 - they shouldn't. IMO it's the bassiest of the whole sub-$100 bunch and I haven't heard the gr07BE but I guess the VSD1 will be more in line with it as it is bassier than gr07 mk2. It's got thickness and impact, which should make vsonic reconsider the Bass Edition moniker of the GR02BE. I don't think there'll be any disappointed bassheads.
到目前为止我不得不说,低频控他们对于VSD1低音的担心--是完全没有必要的。个人认为这是100美金以下区间的货中低音最沉的了,当然我从来没听过GR07BE,但是我猜测VSD应该比GR07 MK2更加沉上一线。它的thickness和impact(真不知道用什么术语才好,猜猜可能是厚度和冲击力之类的),真的该让Vsonic重新考虑下GR02BE的那个Bass Edition(低音特别版)的名号了。我不认为Bassheads(低音脑袋们,目测是低音控的外号吧)会失望。
So far I have to say that if fans of bass worried about the bass of VSD1 - they shouldn't. IMO it's the bassiest of the whole sub-$100 bunch and I haven't heard the gr07BE but I guess the VSD1 will be more in line with it as it is bassier than gr07 mk2. It's got thickness and impact, which should make vsonic reconsider the Bass Edition moniker of the GR02BE. I don't think there'll be any disappointed bassheads.
到目前为止我不得不说,低频控他们对于VSD1低音的担心--是完全没有必要的。个人认为这是100美金以下区间的货中低音最沉的了,当然我从来没听过GR07BE,但是我猜测VSD应该比GR07 MK2更加沉上一线。它的thickness和impact(真不知道用什么术语才好,猜猜可能是厚度和冲击力之类的),真的该让Vsonic重新考虑下GR02BE的那个Bass Edition(低音特别版)的名号了。我不认为Bassheads(低音脑袋们,目测是低音控的外号吧)会失望。