第1段: This is the first time ever in my life that I'm out of control shipping a couple like TaecGui. Excited every Friday but again sad it is about to end, and hoping that will be a good ending. If not, I don't think I would ever ever watch GWGM anymore. TaecGui fighting =) please date for real, love and to be loved forever like your duet song: I love you, I love you forever. I need you, I need you forever... <3
第2段: I'm from Philippines. I don't understand Korean or Mandarin. I am a TAECGUI FAN but NOT an 'ANTI-FAN' of any other couple. I appreciate that TaecGui's fans (local or international fans) are open-minded when it comes to their idol. I support Taec and GuiGui, dating or not dating. I love this show and I super love this couple. "TOGETHER? JUMP!" :)