GARY—1【基督山庄园】 Gary-one【GAY DOU mountain garden】 不过二三十秒的时间,狂风大作袭击了平原,闪电犹如天神之剑穿过青铜般的天空落在基督山顶。 Not through two three miao’s time, carzy wind big do attack on flat country,blingbling electricity likes sky god’s JIAN across green pain class’s sky low on the top of GAY DOU mountain. Gary坐在灌木丛中的一张长沙发上,双目凝视着咆哮的苍穹。 Gary sit on the SF in the close wood cong,two eyes look at say“aowu”’s sky. 狂风不过是chalotte出现的预兆。 The crazy wind is Charlotte appear’s RAIN BRA. 天空不断地翻滚,从中间裂开了一条长长的缝,露出了一片虚无。 Sky always GULUGULU,the middle of the sky breaking a long long’s rip. “你在哪” “where R U” Chalotte站在Gary面前问,他还穿着那套码数不太合适的外套,规矩得连领带都系得紧绷绷的,那张脸还是像犯胃炎那样苍白,一如既往的平静中带上了点难言的情绪。 Charlotte standing on Gary’s face front ask,he always wears the clothes and the size so sad,and the tie is so sad,the face is so sad,HE ALWAYS SO SAD. “我不知道” “I don’t know” Gary没想太多,在他的记忆中仿佛丢失了在狂风之前的那部分,但他却没有感到丝毫不妥,依然凝视着前方。 Gary can’t think anything,in his memory MS lost something SO SAD,but he never feel something so sad,he always look at front. Gary有预感狂风会再起。 Gary has RAIN BRA,the crazy clow will come on baby let’s go AGAIN. 当他醒来的时候天已大亮。 When he wake up the sky is white day. 死去的Chalotte再次出现在梦中。 Handsome’s Charlotte appear on his dream again.
GARY—3【思想背叛者日记】 Gary再次确认了纸条上的名字。 Gary comfirm the name on the paper. Yolanda •D•Adelaide,近年来因洋溢的才华和惊人的科研能力小有名气的年轻化学教授。 YOOOOOOOOOOOOO·D·YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,a chemistry professor how clever,NB or horrible in recent years. 但Gary来访却另有原因。 But Gary come to YOOOO's home has other reasons. 眼前的人的确如同这法国味道浓重的名字一样长着一双浅棕色的眼,一眼见底却没有明显的感情,散发着无法让人相信的味道。 The man——YOOOO is so dense as his name and Gary feel SO SAD,YOOOO has two brown eyes,and have no feeling,he likes a ROBRT,and he is so smelly that Gary can't believe him. “....你好,你一定是Adelaide教授吧。”Gary看着他无表情的脸,觉得有些紧张。 “Hey man?Are you the professor YOOOOOOOOOO?”Gary look at his face,feel nervousand SO SAD. “对,我就是。” “Of course I am.Or will be others,boy?”