不小心的喷嚏惊醒了睡在花心的小魔怪,我只好唱催眠曲 小魔怪终于又睡着了。 Carelass sneeze woke up the little spirit which slept among flowers.So I had to sing lullaby angd the spirit went to sleep again.
拔出我的长剑刺向魔鬼 忙乱中我砍下了魔鬼的角,在夜色的掩护下魔鬼仓皇逃走。 I drew my sword, thrust it at the debil ang cut out its horn in haste. Ifled hastily under the guise of the darkness.
当我激动地打开牢笼的大门,眼前却是你和公主在圆月下翩翩起舞。 When I opend the door of the cage excitedly, what came into my eyes was it that yuo danced gracefully with the princess in the round moon.