so we had to postpone our european dates. not only were we exhausted and way too stressed after this insane year of non-stop touring, but little shit like missing planes and fracturing toes added to our decision to take a break. as for the toes, i was at a motel unloading my bags out of the van in the middle of the night during our recent U.S. tour and the fire exstinguisher rolled out of the door and dropped right on my foot. i screamed and woke everyone up and it hurt like hell but i didn’t do anything about it cause we were in the middle of a tour and we were so busy and all that i just didn’t. went to the doctor after the tour and she said that i fractured my big toe and second biggest toe and that i should take it easy so that they heal correctly. anyway, that’s the ridiculous true story. sorry to anyone who bought a ticket to a november show but the LAST thing we wanted to do was to travel all the way over there and play half-assed! and that’s what we felt would have happened. sorry if this caused anybody major complications. we’ll get over there soon though to make the shows up and your tickets will be redeemable. our european booking agent, jon, is working on putting those dates together as we speak. in the meantime me and pat are busy in the basement trying to remember what it’s like to practice. all of our recording equipment and musical junk has a nice thick layer of dust on it. so we’re gonna wipe the dust away and get to work on writing some new songs - i’m excited.
p.s. hunter was happy to see me but not as happy as i was to see him.
巡演日志 Dan: 2003年11月13日 周四
我们得把我们的欧洲巡演延期了。不仅仅是因为在这疯狂的无休止的巡演了一年之后我们很累很累很累而且压力山大,还有一些很烦的事儿例如错过航班啊,脚趾头断了啊,所以我们决定休息一下。关于那苦逼的脚趾头,是我们最近在美国巡演的时候,有天晚上在一汽车旅馆儿我正把我的行李从车里提出来,然后那灭火器就从门边滚了出来硬生生地砸在了我的右脚上。我疼得都叫了出来把旅馆里的每个人都吵醒了,脚虽然疼的要死但是我啥也没做,因为我们当时正在巡演途中实在是太忙了所以我只能忍着。巡演结束后我去看了医生蓝后那医生说我把大脚趾和它旁边那根脚趾砸断了。 这是个难以置信的真事儿。所以那些买了11月的票的同志们抱歉了,但我们最不愿意干的事儿就是表演的时候只有个半吊子水平。如果我们在这种状态下去表演那肯定只有半吊子水平。如果这样给任何人造成了麻烦我们很抱歉。我们休息好之后会尽快赶过去表演让你们手中的票变的很值!!!负责我们欧洲表演订票的经理jon正在调整日期。同时我和patrick正在地下室里试图找回当初排练的感觉。我们当初的录音设备还有其他玩意儿上都有了厚厚的一层灰。所以我们现在要把灰擦干净然后开始谢新歌——好!兴!奋!
P.S. hunter(dan的狗)看到我很高兴但是远没有我看到他那样高兴。