SHSP-EN086(SCR)Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn(魔圣骑士 兰斯洛特) 暗 5星 战士·同调 2100 900 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Noble Knight" monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can equip 1 “Noble Arms” Equip Spell Card from your Deck to this card. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card destroyed a monster by battle and sent it to the Graveyard: You can add 1 “Noble Knight” or “Noble Arms” card from your Deck to your hand. You can only control 1 "Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn". 调整+调整以外的名字带有"Noble Knight"的怪兽1只以上 这张卡同调召唤成功时:可以从卡组把1张名字带有"Noble Arms"的装备魔法卡给这张卡装备。 战斗阶段结束时,这张卡战斗破坏怪兽并送去墓地的场合:可以从卡组把1张名字带有"Noble Knight"或"Noble Arms"的卡加入手卡。 自己场上只能有1只"Ignoble Knight of High Laundsallyn"表侧表示存在。
SHSP-EN088 Noble Arms – Excaliburn(圣剑 王者之剑) 装备魔法 Equip only to a "Noble Knight" monster. It cannot be targeted by an opponent's card effects. During your turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 "Noble Knight" Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Noble Knight" Xyz Monster with a different name, by using that target as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon.) Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) You can only use this effect of "Noble Arms - Excaliburn" once per turn. 只能给名字带有"Noble Knight"的怪兽装备。装备怪兽不能被对方卡的效果作为对象。在自己回合,这张卡被送去墓地的回合之外:可以把自己墓地的这张卡从墓地除外,之后选择自己场上存在的1只名字带有"Noble Knight"的Xyz怪兽;从额外卡组特殊召唤,1只卡名不同的名字带有"Noble Knight"的Xyz怪兽,把选择的怪兽在下面重叠作为Xyz素材。(这个方法特殊召唤当作Xyz召唤。) "Noble Arms – Excaliburn"的这个效果1回合只能使用1次。