i know that feeling,,,i leave for another city when i was 7....and next year,,,i will go to Japan、 Italy or Korea for my university,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,far away from home!!!!!!
I love together with Xiao Ming on the post bar, until one day he is 11, I was 4 grade, to Xiao Ming for anything. Xiao Ming back for a half day center told me: "you long to each post and paste this sentence, fifteen days on the 11 level"... I totally see light suddenly, you don't have to worry about my experience!!! If you sign in with 4 experience, level 18 300000/4=75000 days, if from the age of 1 in 100 years, the =36500 days, you almost have to live 200 years maintained daily attendance (who knows 200 years after fuck and not sign it), if half water again you 4 experiences, time, but considering the reality, you can't live for 100 years, 50 years, you have every water 16 experience, maybe you are a diligent, daily water 32 experience, it would take about 25 years!!! And if you are a big monster, daily water 64 experience, then as long as 12.5 years!!! Also if you are an impatient person, every water 128 experience, you as long as 6.25 years!!!! If you have already can't wait, daily