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Walter Lewin教授的电磁学课程


IP属地:天津1楼2013-10-06 17:20回复
    1 What holds our world together? Electric Charges (Historical), Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law
    2 Electric Field, Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charging, Dipoles, Induced Dipoles
    3 Electric Flux, Gauss's Law, Examples
    4 Electrostatic Potential, Electric Energy, eV, Conservative Field, Equipotential Surfaces
    5 E = -grad V, More on Equipotential Surfaces, Conductors, Electrostatic Shielding (Faraday Cage)
    6 High-Voltage Breakdown, Lightning,
    Sparks - St Elmo's Fire (Take Notes in Lecture)
    7 Capacitance, Field Energy
    8 Polarization, Dielectrics,
    The Van de Graaff, More on Capacitors
    9 Currents, Resistivity, Ohm's Law

    IP属地:天津2楼2013-10-06 17:20
      10 Batteries, EMF, Energy Conservation, Power, Kirchhoff's Rules, Circuits, Kelvin Water Dropper
      11 Magnetic Field, Lorentz Force, Torques, Electric Motors (DC), Oscilloscope
      12 Review Exam 1 (Secret Top!)
      13 Moving Charges in B-fields, Cyclotron, Synchrotron, Mass Spectrometer, Cloud Chamber
      14 Biot-Savart Law, Gauss' Law for Magnetic Fields, Revisit the "Leyden Jar", High-Voltage Power Lines
      15 Ampere's Law, Solenoids, Revisit the Kelvin Water Dropper, Midterm Evaluation
      16 Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday's Law, Lenz Law, Complete Breakdown of Intuition, Non-Conservative Fields
      17 Motional EMF, Dynamos, Eddy Currents, Magnetic Braking
      18 Displacement Current (Difficult Concept), Synchronous Motors, Induction Motors, Secret Top, How does it work?

      IP属地:天津3楼2013-10-06 17:21
        19 Vacation Special; How do magicians levitate women? (with demo); Electric Shock Treatment (no demo); Electrocardiogram (with demo) - Pacemakers; Superconductivity (with demo)- Levitating Bullet Trains; Aurora Borealis
        20 Inductance, RL Circuits, Magnetic Field Energy; Due Date of Motor! (April 2); Testing 1-5 PM
        21 Magnetic Materials, Dia-, Para-, and Ferromagnetism, Prize Ceremony of Motor Contest
        22 Hysteresis, Electromagnets, Bohr Magneton; Maxwell's Equations; 600 Daffodils
        23 Review Exam 2
        24 Transformers, Car Coils, RC Circuits
        25 Driven LRC Circuits, Resonance, Metal Detectors (Beach/Airport)
        26 Traveling Waves, Standing Waves; Musical Instruments
        27 Resonance, Destructive Resonance, Electromagnetic Waves, Speed of Light, Radio, TV, Distance Determinations using Radar and Lasers

        IP属地:天津4楼2013-10-06 17:21
          28 Index of Refraction, Poynting Vector, Oscillating Charges, Radiation Pressure, Comet Tails, Polarization (Linear, Elliptical, and Circular)
          29 Snell's Law, Refraction, Total Reflection, Dispersion, Prisms, Huygen's Principle,
          The Illusion of Color, The Weird Benham Top, Land's Famous Demo
          30 Polarizers, Malus's Law, Brewster Angle, Polarization by Reflection and Scattering, Why is the sky blue, Why are sunsets red? The sun will set in the lecture hall!
          31 Rainbows (Take Notes); A Modest Rainbow will appear in the lecture hall! Fog Bows, Supernumerary Bows, Polarization of the Bows, Haloes around the Sun and Moon, Coronae, Glories, Mock Suns (Sun Dogs)
          32 Review Exam 3
          33 Double-Slit Interference, Interferometers
          34 Gratings, Resolving Power, Single-Slit Diffraction, Angular Resolution, Human Eye - Telescopes
          35 Doppler Effect, The Big Bang, Cosmology
          36 Farewell Special

          IP属地:天津5楼2013-10-06 17:21

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端6楼2017-04-26 23:33