But the Harrowing is more than just dressing up and terrifying your foes, we're also bringing back all five Harrowing ward skins and unveiling five new summoner icons to earn throughout the event. 简单来说… 万圣节是个扮装的节日么 所以拳头设计了5个新的眼皮肤和召唤师头像… 英语不好勿喷…
When you give a mystery gift, your purchase unlocks a random skin for a champion your friend owns. All skins in the store plus a selection of legacy skins are fair game, so your friend could end up with a legendary or even ultimate skin! ……这个…完全不懂啊…貌似进行什么好友互动解锁皮肤 ?? 今年,它的神秘送礼的首次亮相。当你给一个神秘礼物,您购买解锁您的朋友拥有一个冠军一个随机的皮肤。所有皮肤在店里加上传统外观的选择是公平游戏,让你的朋友可以结束了一个传奇,甚至最终的皮肤! 这是GOOGLE翻译的结果…更不懂了