16.再牛逼的肖邦,弹不出我的悲伤。 度娘:Chopin again cow force, can't play my sorrow.【萧邦再牛逼,不能玩我的悲伤。】[度娘我想玩你] 谷歌:Then Niubi Chopin, not bombs my sorrow.【然后牛逼的肖邦,弹不出我的悲伤。】 【谷歌玩逆袭0 0】
22.你存在我深深的脑海里,我的梦里、我的心里、 我的歌声里[我实在是没句子了] 度娘:You deep in my mind, my dream, my heart, my song.【你存在我深深的脑海里,我的梦,我的心,我的歌。】 谷歌:There you my deep mind, my dreams, my heart, my singing.【有你我的内心深处,我的梦想,我的心里,我的歌声】度娘对了19个字 谷歌对了16个字 度娘以微弱的优势暂时领先
从前从前,有个人爱你很久 度娘:Once upon a time, a man love you for a long time【从前,一个男人爱你很久】 谷歌:Once upon a time, a man love you long time【曾几何时,有一个人爱你很久】【哇一个人直接变一个男人】
你背叛了天长地久,我逃离了来日方长 度娘:You betrayed enduring as the universe, I escaped from the coming days would be long.【你背叛了天长地久,我逃离来日方长】 谷歌:You betrayed forever, I fled to Japan, longer【你背叛了永远,我逃到来日方长】【谷歌还是认为自己后天的英语才能可以弥补先天的语文不足......可是他还是失败了】
沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然 度娘:Mermen weep their pearly tears down a moon-green sea, blue fields are breathing their jade to the sun. Such feeling cannot be recalled again, it seemed long lost even when it was felt then. 【人鱼哭著珍珠泪下的月亮海绿色,蓝色领域呼吸玉太阳。这样的感觉不能回忆了一遍,似乎早已失去了即使是当时的感受。】 谷歌:Sea pearl moon tears, Lantian day Nuanyu raw tobacco. Remembrance into, but was already casting haze of confusion. 【海珍珠月亮的眼泪,蓝田日Nuanyu原料的烟草。此情可待成追忆,但已惘然。】 [黑线] 妹子你太为难他们了..<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
那些曾经泼过我冷水的人。我都会烧成开水泼回去 度娘:Those who have poured cold water over my people. I will burn into boiling water poured back.【那些泼冷水的人在我的。我会烧成开水倒回去】 谷歌:Those who have poured cold water over my people. I will go back and firing water pouring.【那些谁超过我的人泼了一盆冷水。我会回去和发射水浇筑】 谷歌太毒辣了
爱在有生之年心死之前 度娘:Love in the rest of one's life before the death of the heart. 【爱一辈子的心死】 谷歌:Love Before disheartened in their lifetime 【在其一生中爱情面前心灰意冷】 【楼主的智商不够用- -据说还无法充值】
我曾经爱过的男孩,有世界上最英俊的侧脸 度娘:The boy I once loved, has the world's most handsome face【我曾经爱过的男孩,拥有世界上最英俊的脸】 谷歌:I've loved the boy, with the world's most handsome man in profile. 【我曾经爱过的男孩,与世界上最英俊的男人轮廓】 - -世界上最英俊的男人?那不是原楼主吗