在之前对索林的演员RA的专访中,一处提到了瑟爸。 记者:“哪个是你最喜欢的镜头?” RA:“毫无疑问是索林和瑟兰迪尔的对峙。索林倾吐出了他对精灵王的所有看法,其实是在发泄他对巨龙束手无策的怒火。这个片段写的非常精彩,没有什么特殊的事件,只有两个演员面对面的对峙。” Which is your fave scene? “Without any doubt the confrontation between Thorin and Thranduil. Thorin tells him everything he thinks about him, it’s his way to give vent to the rage and helplessness he can’t pour on Smaug. It’s a wonderfully written sequence, without special effects: only two actors face to face.” 小伙伴们我好像看出了什么哈哈~不过更加期待看到两人的对手戏了。