Act 2
Ext:Outside Predacon base.
Ins: Cameraapproaches Megatron (RM) sitting in his mobile chair at his comstation. Presses button to activate comlink.
(into console)(Inferno and Waspinator are neitherseen nor heard)
Megatron to Inferno and Waspinator: Dinobot has not yet returned from hispatrol. Find him!
Megatronthen rotates his chair to see a monitor screen on which Tarantulas (RM) is seenconstructing something large but indecipherable inside another room in thePredacon base.
(to Tarantulas in the monitor)
Tarantulas, will the mechanism be ready to operate asscheduled?
Uh, yeeesss, mighty Megatron. Very soon the Ark will once again be yours for the taking.
Excellent. You’ve done well, lieutenant. Yes. Now finish the job.
Megatronturns off the monitor and sits quietly with himself for a second before sayingto himself…
Traitors serve their purposes. Yet their treacherywill serve them all the better in return.
Fade out Cut to:
Ext: Dark jagged rock wild area. Daytime.
Ins: DepthCharge (VM) flies overhead with Rattrap (RM) and the data box on his back.
DepthCharge lowers to ground level and comes to a screeching halt, throwing Rattrap,with the box, off his back and landing several meters ahead.
(reacting to getting thrown offand landing)
Whoa! Ugh!
DepthCharge transforms to robot mode, with his blaster drawn, and lands his feetonto the ground.
(while getting up)
Hey, what was that all about,fish-face?
DepthCharge stands still looking around.
(soft tone)
Quiet, mouse. X’s spark is nearby.
Rattrapdraws his gun while still keeping the box in the other hand. He stands stilland looks around cautiously.
Which one?
I don’t know. Stay here.
DepthCharge starts slowly walking around some rock walls cautiously. Rattrap beginsto follow him.
Hey, I paid for a front-row seat to this death-match, and I expect to see…
Rattrap iscutoff by the sound of falling stones nearby. Both Rattrap and Depth Chargeturn around quickly just in time to see Dinobot II (RM) leap out from behind arock and into plain sight.
DepthCharge immediately points his blaster, ready to fire while saying…
Eat slag, creep!
Right asDepth Charge fires, Rattrap knocks Depth Charge’s blaster toward a differentdirection so that he wouldn’t blast Dinobot II, while exclaiming…
DepthCharge’s shot misses Dinobot II, and Dinobot II uses this split-second to firehis immobilizer beam from his lens to Depth Charge. Depth Charge immediatelypushes Rattrap away from himself, unaware that he had been fired upon, and getshit by the beam, knocked onto his back, and unable to move.
Dinobot IIthen leaps forward, lands on Depth Charge’s chest, standing upright, andholding back his razor claws ready to slash. Depth Charge watches helplessly.
Your revenge - seekingdays are over, Maximal!
Rightbefore, Dinobot II’s claws come down onto Depth Charge, Rattrap (RM) jumps ontoDinobot II’s shoulders, with the data box still in hand, holds onto his head,and quickly yells…
So are your Predacon days,Lizard-breath!
Rattrapquickly sticks the wires from the data box into an input port on the back ofDinobot II’s head, then jumps off of him, right before Dinobot II attempts toslash him.
Instantly,the data from the box begins flowing into Dinobot II’s head. Dinobot II hold’shis head in pain, falls to his knees, and yells out a scream of pain.
(long scream of pain)
Rattrap andDepth Charge (motionless on ground) both witness Dinobot II’s struggle.
Dinobot IIrips the box out of the back of his head and throws it up against a wall, butit’s too late, all the memories had already been downloaded.
Dinobot IIcontinues to scream on his knees. The shot theninstantaneously flips between images of Dinobot II and Dinobot I in the same screaming position,for a few instantaneous shots.
The viewthen rapidly zooms into Dinobot II’s right eye and the screen goes dark.
Ins: Aftera couple of seconds, fade into shot of Rampage’s robot head floating indarkness, in a twisted-vision illusion. (seereference of the Tarantulas/Blackarachnia mind-meld in ep 26 “Other Voices,Part 2”). The Rampage robot head looks confused and starts speaking.
What…What is happening to me?
As we seeRampage’s head, various instantaneous images of scenery and characters flash onthe screen.
(still confused and frightened)
I’m seeing thoughts that….that aren’tmine.