
Thank you very much, and thanks for asking!I'm definitely all for getting my work translated! Funny thing is, another userasked to translate Yellow into Chinese as well. Her username is mllesensen. I'mnot sure how to go about this, but maybe it'll be easier to translate betweentwo people? I've also mentioned you to her, so you might get a message fromher. I'm just happy that you're both interested enough to want to translate it,so however you decide to go about this, I'll be fine with it. :) Thanks!]

Thank you very much, and thanks for asking!I'm definitely all for getting my work translated! Funny thing is, another userasked to translate Yellow into Chinese as well. Her username is mllesensen. I'mnot sure how to go about this, but maybe it'll be easier to translate betweentwo people? I've also mentioned you to her, so you might get a message fromher. I'm just happy that you're both interested enough to want to translate it,so however you decide to go about this, I'll be fine with it. :) Thanks!]