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Dev Blog – 1.7势力战争变更(一):规则修改,声望,忠诚点


1.7 FW势力战争主要变更:
●Amarr -> Imperial Guard: The personal guard of the ruler of the Amarr Empire are drawn from the finest troops the Imperial military can offer. While its core duties revolve around safeguarding the occupant of the Imperial Throne, the Imperial Guard is a large and very well-equipped body. The Guard can project impressive force across New Eden with fanatical devotion to its orders.
●Caldari -> State Peacekeepers: The Caldari State required little in the way of ground troops until the reconquest of Caldari Prime and the war over Black Rise. Previously, the megacorporations saw to the security and peace of their own ground territories. The emergency conditions of the occupation of Caldari Prime called for the formation of the State Peacekeepers, a force that is now established as an arm of the Caldari military.
●Gallente -> Federal Marines: The Federal Marines have a long, proud history of serving the Gallente Federation in space and on planetary bodies. They are among the elite troops of the Federal military and typically at the forefront when the Gallente Federation goes to the extreme of intervening militarily in planetary conflicts across New Eden.
●Minmatar -> Republic Command: Republic Command is something of an oddity in a new order where the Minmatar tribes wield considerable power. In large part the Minmatar military has become fragmented among the tribes but a rump central command remains. The Republic Command has managed to retain control over those units that reported directly to its military council, and the elite nature of many of these forces has allowed the generals of the Command to retain significant influence.

所以,假如说你宣誓效忠Gallente并为之战斗,你最终将获得的声望和奖励是与Federal Marines公司相关的。



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