“Here you can really see that the rip is above the knee. And when you bend your legs it’s quite nice for it to be ripped there, actually. It’s nice when you’re walking not to have your knees popping out. I put sheer black nylons underneath. I love that you can put tights or long johns inside this jean. Then you can wear them in the wintertime and it looks super-cool. The leg is just straight, normal, and really worn at the bottom. Doutzen is wearing her own Junya Watanabe boots that look very much like Dr. Martens, and I love them because they lace up the front but they have a zipper up the side. I un-zipped the zipper and let the pant leg fall half in, half out. She would move around and the jean would fall inside and out of the boot, and I didn’t touch it or over-think it because I wanted it to look as natural as possible.”