@TravisAPhelan: #WintersTaleChat Ms. Findlay, big fan. What would you say most attracted you to Winter’s Tale? Can’t wait to see it.
Jess: Beautiful story full of love, hope, and I just loved Beverly. Great character. #WintersTale
@valentin8193: #WintersTaleChat what’s one scene you would like to happen in real life and do you think you and Beverly are similar?
Jess: I’d like to go to the ball in the film in real life. I love dancing, so that was fun. And I think we’re similar in some ways, but Beverly is much cooler than I am.
@dropsofmaria: can you describe colin farrell in a few words? #WintersTaleChat
Jess: Talented beyond words. Charming. Very funny. And fantastic to have on your side.
@OwnLessLiveMore: #winterstalechat What was your favorite part of making the movie? Did you read the book? Did you like it?
Jess: I read the book and loved it. I loved all the scenes we did with the horse as I love riding. Scary, but it was good.
@Murraytza: In your career you’ve been portraying characters from the past and the future, which ones do you like best?
Jess: I love them both - I like being able to find a relatable common ground when it’s dealing with period pieces. I love the modern day stuff - you don’t have to wear corsets!
@lunar_lander: #WintersTaleChat @wbpictures What’s the best thing you’ve ever stolen?
Jess: When I was younger, I used to steal sweets from the penny sweets shop. And they were always very good!
@xXArohaXx: #WintersTaleChat What has been the most challenging aspect of playing a character like Beverly? :-)
Jess: She’s very, very brave being in the situation that she’s in. She stays very strong.
@amy_feels: @wbpictures Jessica, who’s the better kisser? Colin Farrell vs @Allenleech. We miss you on Downton! #WintersTaleChat
Jess: I couldn’t possibly say. They’re both lovely.
@souris: Hi Jessica! Experience any miracles recently?
Jess: Recently got a dog. He’s a little miracle… and a nightmare!
@MkLupaa: @wbpictures What are your favorite love stories from film or literature? #winterstalechat
Jess: I love Wuthering Heights, and growing up, I read every Austen novel. I quite like dark stories.
@momosanla: Hi Jessica! Filming in NYC is so exciting. Any favorite neighborhoods or locations? #winterstalechat
Jess: I loved Brooklyn. Dumbo I visited a lot. Lovely filming in places I’d never been before.
@PaulaPena8: #WintersTaleChat The movie seems like its got a great love story, could you please share your favorite romantic film(s)?
Jess: Amelie and Bright Star. Love those two. Get me every time.
@Trisarahtops831: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever experienced in your own life? @wbpictures #WintersTaleChat
Jess: Someone loving you so much they’ll laugh at your bad jokes. I think that’s romantic.
@angiemagz: @wbpictures JBF, in the book Bev Penn was a really good piano player, did you have to learn how to play?
Jess: Yes, I had to learn how to play. Knowing the piece by heart and knowing where your hands went. Sadly, I can’t play as well as she can.
@lunar_lander: #WintersTaleChat The book is filled w/ magical and illustrious words…do you have a fave excerpt/quote?
Jess: In the film, Beverly says, “Please don’t steal anything on your way out.” But he’s already stolen her heart, and he knows it. #WintersTale
@Nontoners: .@wbpictures Hi Jessica! What’s ur fave scene? #WintersTaleChat
Jess: I loved doing the scene with Colin at the table drinking tea. It’s very playful, sweet… and lovely.