abase [ə'beis] vt. 1.[abase oneself] 降低…的威信(或地位、身份、职务等);羞辱,使丢脸,使出丑;使谦卑,使卑微;贬抑: He abased himself before his superior. 他在上司面前感到自卑。 2.[古语]降下,降低,放下,放低,使下降,使向下,垂下: She abased her head. 她低下了头。 3.[废语]使(货币)贬值;降低…的价格(或价值) 近义词 degrade 变形 vt. abased abasing 以上来源于:21世纪大英汉词典
abate /əˈbeɪt/ TEM8 (abating,abated,abates) 1.V-I If something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes much less strong or severe. 减弱 例: The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn. 暴风在他们绕过好望角时已经减弱了。
abdicate /ˈæbdɪˌkeɪt/ TEM8 (abdicating,abdicated,abdicates) 1.V-I If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen. 退位 例: The last French king was Louis Philippe, who abdicated in 1848. 最后一位法国国王是路易斯·菲利普, 退位于1848年。 2.N-UNCOUNT 退位 abdication 例: ...the most serious royal crisis since the abdication of Edward VIII. …自从爱德华八世退位以来最严重的皇室危机。 3.V-T If you say that someone has abdicated responsibility for something, you disapprove of them because they have refused to accept responsibility for it any longer. 推卸 (职责) 例: Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children. 很多父母干脆推卸掉他们对孩子的所有责任。 4.N-UNCOUNT 推卸 abdication 例: There had been a complete abdication of responsibility. 曾有个彻底推卸责任的情况。
abhor /əbˈhɔː/ TEM8 (abhorring,abhorred,abhors) 1.V-T If you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons. 憎恶 例: He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation. 他是一个憎恶暴力并极其致力于和解的人。
abide /əˈbaɪd/ CET6+ TEM8 (abiding,abided,abides) 1.PHRASE If you can't abide someone or something, you dislike them very much. 无法容忍 例: I can't abide people who can't make up their minds. 我无法容忍下定不了决心的人。 abiding /əˈbaɪdɪŋ/ TEM8 1.ADJ An abiding feeling, memory, or interest is one that you have for a very long time. 持久的 (感情、记忆、兴趣) 例: He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft. 他对这门手艺有着一种发自内心和持久不变的热爱。
abject /ˈæbdʒɛkt/ TEM8 1.ADJ You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad. 糟糕透顶的强调 例: Both of them died in abject poverty. 他们两个人都死于穷困潦倒。 2.(人、动作或行为)无耻的,下贱的,卑鄙的
ablaze /əˈbleɪz/ TEM8 1.ADJ Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely. 熊熊燃烧的 例: Stores, houses, and vehicles were set ablaze. 商店、房子和车辆被大火烧着了。 2.ADJ If a place is ablaze with lights or colours, it is very bright because of them. 光彩夺目的 例: The chamber was ablaze with light. 该大厅当时灯火辉煌。
ably /ˈeɪblɪ/ TEM8 1.ADV Ably means skilfully and successfully. 能干地 例: He was ably assisted by a number of members from other branches. 他得到了其他部门的几个成员的得力协助。
abode /əˈbəʊd/ TEM8 1.N-COUNT Your abode is the place where you live. 住所 例: She lives in a grand abode overlooking Lake Michigan on the North Shore. 她住在一所位于北岸,俯看密西根湖的宏伟公寓中。 2.PHRASE If someone is of no fixed abode, they are homeless. 无固定住所 例: 30 percent of psychiatric hospital beds are occupied by people of no fixed abode. 精神病院百分之三十的床位被无固定住所的人所占用。 3.V abide的过去式和过去分词 →a past tense and past participle of abide
abominable /əˈbɒmɪnəbəl/ TEM8 1.ADJ Something that is abominable is very unpleasant or bad. 恶劣的 例: The president described the killings as an abominable crime. 总统称这系列杀戮为恶劣的罪行。 adj. 1.讨厌的,可恶的,可憎的,可鄙的 2.[口语]令人极为不快的;(天气、食物等)极坏的,糟透的;粗劣的,低劣的;(气味等)令人作呕的 近义词 hateful 以上来源于:21世纪大英汉词典
abort /əˈbɔːt/ CET6 TEM8 (aborting,aborted,aborts) 1.V-T If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive. 使流产 例: Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child. 在她打掉了他们的孩子之后,她的情人离开了她。 2.V-T If someone aborts a process, plan, or activity, they stop it before it has been completed. 中途放弃 例: When the decision was made to abort the mission, there was great confusion. 中途放弃这次任务的决定引起了严重混乱。
aboveboard /əˈbʌvbɔːd/ TEM8 1.ADJ An arrangement or deal that is aboveboard is legal and is being carried out openly and honestly. A person who is aboveboard is open and honest about what they are doing. 正大光明的 例: His business dealings were aboveboard. 他的商业交易是光明正大的。 If there was one thing she prided herself on, it was being open and aboveboard. 如果她对自己有一事而自豪,那就是她的公开及光明正大。