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To thaw a heart



本楼含有高级字体1楼2014-02-13 15:30回复
    He was…cold.
    Not because of his powers, not because of the way frost sparkled and spiraled from his frozen shepherd's staff or the way he could dance through the air, as light and transparent as a snowflake. He was accustomed to the cutting bite of arctic gales, but, to tell the truth, he wasn't certain if he'd ever felt them to begin with. He'd see the humans cringing and hunching into themselves, and he would stand there, bare-footed and straight-backed, and wonder at their pain.
    Did the kiss of snow hurt? He'd always enjoyed it…or at least, he'd always enjoyed it for as long as he could remember.
    And that ultimately was the problem.
    There was something missing inside of him, something empty and aching and lost, and he was convinced that, sooner or later, if this ignored existence continued…then his own frost would curl into that space and fill it with ice and it would never, ever thaw.
    But Jack didn't know how to solve this dilemma—the children always failed to notice him, even when adults referenced his presence, so tongue-in-cheek—and he disappeared into the whirling blizzard, wishing he could be a figment of the imagination.

    7楼2014-02-13 15:43
      Riding the back of a northern wind, Jack skimmed the tops of the light, sparing clouds and shook his head. What kind of autumn was this? These clouds would never produce the kind of snow he wanted, so, once again, it seemed that it was up to him to bring winter.
      He dove out of the sky, an icicle cut free from the fringe of the heavens, and descended upon the earth. He vaguely recognized the coastline and the mountains as ones he'd seen before—Arendelle, he dimly recalled, was this kingdom's name—and with perfect grace, he lit upon a windowsill, one of the castle's. He favored this perch, as it allowed him to see the whole of the village and the harbor, but before he could bring his power to bear, something smacked into the window behind him.
      Nearly jumping out of his skin and certainly jumping off the sill, Jack spun around in mid-air, his staff brandished defensively.
      And, to his astonishment, he saw snow plastered on the inside of the glass.
      "Man in the Moon," he breathed, and he floated closer and cautiously set a foot back on the sill. "What just happened?"
      He outstretched a pale finger, tracing the snow's exploded debris, and peered through the glass, but what he beheld only served to further bewilder him. The entire interior of the castle hall was a winter wonderland! Huge drifts caused deep ravines and towering ridges, and icicles decorated the sharply sloped ceiling like the inside of some glacial cavern. The tinkling sound of children's laughter reached his ears, and he eased through the glass, as insubstantial as a ghost, and marveled at the sight.
      "Again, Elsa, again!" a tiny, red-haired girl giggled, stamping her feet down in the fresh white powder.
      "I didn't mean to hit the window," another girl replied with an air of self-recrimination. This one was slightly taller and sporting white-blond braids.
      Jack's lips parted as he raced to assemble this puzzle. Was that child responsible for the snow? Did she have the same kind of powers as he did, and if she did, then maybe there were more people like them, and maybe—
      "Aw, c'mon, Elsa!" the redhead protested, looking grumpy as she crossed her small arms on her chest.
      Elsa sighed. "Okay, okay," she capitulated, and she looked up at the gigantic icicle dangling in front of the window—the actual target.

      8楼2014-02-13 15:43
        Jack startled for a second; she was looking directly at him! But then he realized, when she expressed no surprise at his presence, that it was only because he hovered behind the icicle; she wasn't looking at him at all.
        She couldn't see him.
        He retreated to the sill, though he remained within the hall, and observed with dulled interest.
        "Knock it down already!" the smaller girl urged.
        "I will, Anna!" Elsa assured her with a somewhat exasperated glance and a fond smile. "Just you watch!"
        Jack certainly watched as crystalline lights flashed along the blond's small fingers in little sparks like sunlight refracting off snow, and then, suddenly, frozen flakes were called into existence and spiraled sharply until they achieved their desired form: a perfect sphere.
        "Here goes!" Elsa declared, and she drew her arm back, as if she were about to throw it the conventional way, but then more magic flared along her hand

        15楼2014-02-13 15:49

          19楼2014-02-13 15:56
            Elsa tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, pleased by this success and its recognition, and she smiled shyly. "Do you want to build a snowman, Anna?"
            She shook her head, red braids swinging, and pointed at the tallest of the snow-hills. "Nope! Wanna go sledding! Make me an ice-sled, Elsa!"
            "You better start running, then!" the older girl laughed, and as the younger took off at a headlong sprint, she conjured a perfect toboggan in Anna's path. Anna threw herself upon the sled with much exuberance, and Elsa ushered it into motion, compelling the snow beneath it to undulate like ocean waves, and it carried the little girl up to the crest of the high hill.
            It was just then that the king and queen opened the hall's great doors, and they rushed into the knee-deep drifts.
            "Elsa! What have we told you about making snow inside?" her father remonstrated.
            Elsa frowned. "You said people would see if I did it outside, Papa," she replied, using simple child's logic.
            The king sighed and ran a hand back through his hair. "We'll have to tell the servants so they can shovel this place out," he remarked.

            20楼2014-02-13 15:57
              "Aw, do they have to?" Anna complained from her lofty perch. "It's so much fun!"
              The queen trudged over to the bottom of the hill, holding out her arms invitingly. "C'mon down from there, sweetheart. It could be dangerous."
              Elsa stiffened. "I would never let her get hurt!" she protested, and little ice particles materialized around her fists.
              Jack frowned, feeling as if he were trespassing, and he melted back through the window, leaving only curling vines of frost behind. Once outside and soaring into the sky, he decided not to bring winter early to Arendelle. That little girl would only be blamed for his antics, and he did not wish such a thing to happen.
              He did, however, make a mental note to come back; perhaps this Elsa still did have the answers he sought, and even if she didn't…maybe somehow, he would get her to notice him.

              21楼2014-02-13 15:58
                ………………嗯 好吧 加油~

                IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端24楼2014-02-13 16:42