1. I, Jack Po Kwok Tung, takeyou, Mandy Chung Hok Sum , to mywedded wife, to have andto hold fromthis day forward, for better,for worse; for richer, forpoorer; in sickness and inhealth; to love and tocherish, till death us dopart, according to God's holylaw; and thereto I giveyou my troth. I, Mandy Chung Hok Sum, take you, JackPo Kwok Tung, to my wedded husband, to have andto hold fromthis day forward, for better,for worse; for richer, forpoorer; in sickness and inhealth; to love and tocherish, till death us dopart, according to God's holylaw; and thereto I giveyou my troth. 上帝保佑这枚戒指,保佑赠予戒指的人和接受戒指的人将对彼此忠诚,永远相爱,直到生命结束。 新郎在众人的欢呼声中吻上新娘樱花色的唇,热切而又漫长。