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Day7 酒店英语面试 - 个人特质问题 【西餐】Hotelenglish


Tell me about a time when you supported someone you knowor don’t know with a difficult situation.
What was the situation?
What action did youtake?
What was the outcome?
Give me an example of a goal you’ve set yourself in thelast 12 months.
Why did you choose that goal? What did you do to achieveit?
Give me an example of a time when you have worked withpeople from a different culture/background from yourself.
What did you learn from this experience?
Tell me how you would develop excellent workingrelationships with others.
What actions would you take?
How would you know if your actions were successful?
Tell me about a time you helped someone resolve aproblem. (How did you understand exactly what theproblem was? What did you do to resolve the problem? What was the result?)
Tell me about a time when you identified a problem andtook action to fix it rather than waiting for someone else to do it. (What was the situation? Who else did you involve? Whatwas the outcome?)

1楼2014-05-29 08:25回复