Lady Gaga专辑全球累计销量超过2500万张,The Fame/The Fame Monster名声大噪卖的最好一共卖出16000000张,Born This Way卖出7000000张,其他混音The Remix卖出2000000张。Applause在加拿大卖出超过80000张,特获加拿大唱片业协会CRIA白金销量认证 born this way 永远是我最爱的!
Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.一些艺人想要你的钱,这样他们就能去买兰治罗孚和钻石手镯了,但我不要那些东西,我要你们的灵魂。 ——Lady GaGa】
Some women choose to follow a man and some others their dreams. In case that you wonder which way to follow, remember that your career won't wake up one morning to say that he doesn't love you.— 一些女人选择跟随男人,另一些则选择跟随梦想。在你要决定要选哪条路时记住:你的事业是不会在某天早上醒来时告诉你,他不爱你了的。——Lady GaGa】