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[伪情报组系列]work in progress


He doesnt speak much English so we bring you the beginning of some interesting stuff from the Russian forums, hope it helps.
I wanted to share with you what is under development right now and what will be in the upcoming patches. I hope we will have full dev blog articles on the most interesting points.
1) We found the reason for the incidents where tanks could shoot through landscape and static objects. The fix is being tested by our internal testers at the moment and if everything is fine it will be applied to the live servers by one of the micropatches in the future.
2) We created repair and rearming on capture points (when they belong to your team). We hope it will be available in 1.41.29. Repairs conducted there will not require a repair kit and repair will be 1.5 times faster than in random points on the battlefield.
3) We are reworking how the artillery strike works, so there won’t be hover-view. Probably we will include this in the next major update
4) Currently we are testing the ability to destroy all trees on maps (not only specific types). We are also hoping to get this in on the next major patch.
5) We are also working on the tank crew skills - those that are not functioning yet (like range estimation) are currently being added in test.
6) We are almost finished the armour examination tool for the hangar and are planning to release it in the major update as well.
7) A mode in which players can see exactly how their tank has been destroyed is being worked on, so you will be actually looking at the DM and how it works. A lot of work still needs to be done for this tool so we don't have even an approximate ETA for this.
8) we have returned to developing cumulative and armour piercing rockets, maybe we will add them in the next major update.
9) Last on the list, but not least - re-adjusting the balance of the aircraft and ground vehicles in RB + tank Arcade mode.

来自WindowsPhone客户端1楼2014-07-10 07:11回复

    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端2楼2014-07-10 07:18

      IP属地:河北3楼2014-07-10 07:35

        来自Android客户端4楼2014-07-10 07:44

          5楼2014-07-10 07:47

            IP属地:河南6楼2014-07-10 07:47
              陆战需要大改ฌููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููููู็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็  ฏ๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎  ๎๎๎๎๎๎ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้็็็็็ฏ๎๎๎๎๎๎๎๎   ด้้ฌููููููููููููููููููู

              IP属地:河北来自Android客户端7楼2014-07-10 08:17

                IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端8楼2014-07-10 08:30

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2014-07-10 08:32

                    10楼2014-07-10 08:44

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2014-07-10 08:55

                        IP属地:加拿大来自Android客户端12楼2014-07-10 09:14

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端13楼2014-07-10 10:00

                            IP属地:山东来自Android客户端14楼2014-07-10 10:04

                              Q. Do you take into account the geometry of the armour plated item when calculating the thickness penetrated, or is the calculation taken based only on the thickness at the point of impact? (an angled shot unlike a 90 degree shot will have a greater amount of armour to penetrate). Currently, the Difference will be noticeable on curved armour surfaces, which will lead to greater than in real life penetration. With plain armour plates the result will be the same of course.
                              A. The Game calculates armour based on armour thickness and angle at which it was hit. We don't take into account curvature of surface which can increase armour a bit.
                              Q: Can you tell us which references you are using to set up German vehicles? More precisely for the “Panther”. Different books have different technical characteristics, where should we look for the truth?
                              A: Different references for different vehicles, for the Panther - Spielberger, Doyle and also German technical characteristic documents (please be aware that there are errors and typos in these)
                              Q: We discovered that certain tanks are able to be penetrated easily by shells that shouldn’t even scratch the armour plate. What is the problem with that?
                              A: We have located a lot of small bugs like this, when some modules overhang slightly beyond the armour position - its very hard to locate them visually in the program, for example. there are about 50 or so bugs in tracker, so almost every second tank has it. Some of these bugs players haven't encountered, some of them were encountered less than on other tanks. The fix should be coming on the servers with 1.41.29.x
                              Q: It is good to read about what you, guys are working on, but there is no mention of UI improvements or aircraft?
                              A: This area is only what I am personally working on or have information about, since I thought that it would be nice to mention these things. I could have forgotten something and I didn’t write anything about planes, for example, but it doesn’t mean that they are not being worked on - it just impossible for me to know about everything. The project is really huge.
                              Q: That bonus of 1.5 for repair speed seems a bit too small. Is this correct?
                              A: This is just a number that we have right now. At the moment it is 1.5. There can also be a multiplier on individual vehicle components as well, for example for the barrel, which also we can increase or decrease it.
                              Q: Can you tell us about how you plan to implement visual camouflage?
                              A: Roughly like this: you will be able to put foliage or camo-nets on certain areas of your vehicle.
                              Q: Any plans on reworking the way teams are set up for a battle? Currently one team can have 6 planes and 2 tanks and the other team the other way around.
                              A: We cannot clarify that yet, but we do have plans to change it.
                              Q: If I understand correctly, the gun barrel has a chance to explode something like this:
                              green - 5% chance
                              pink - 25% chance
                              red - 50% chance
                              black - 100% chance
                              A: No, not like that. As soon as the damage received is above 75% of the barrel durability, each shot will cause the check for barrel destruction or shell explosion.
                              Q: Will you fix the system “shot the wing - got an assist”?
                              A: We were already answering this question - its not working that way. Right now you can only ‘steal’ the kill from the person who cut the enemy plane wing by killing the pilot or blowing up the whole plane, the other crits or hits won’t take a kill away from you. That is a compromise between “having a chance to repair after a crash landing with torn off wing” and “grand kill”. Maybe we can implement a more precise setup for it, but we are not seeing a much better way to do it at the moment.
                              Q: After recent changes to some tanks their statistic could change to better or worse. How are you planning to represent that in matchmaking?
                              A: We will be looking at the statistics this week and then make changes in battle rating where necessary.
                              Q: Is there any chance to remove barrel damage for the sake of gameplay in all the modes? For example by shortening its repair time or not having it repair as the last part?
                              A: We are looking at that issue. We don’t want to turn it off completely. Also repair like this was made so tanks with poorer characteristics will have at least some chance against a better tank if the player is good. Perhaps we will speed up repair time, or change the parameters of the barrel materials so they only will be damaged after direct hit.
                              Q: Can you tell us anything about the statistics (both ground forces and aviation) for Germany (in RB and SB modes)? If the statistical performance has dropped, can we expect an increase in the rate of fire for german tanks, since I think that it is one of the balance parameters? Also, can we expect a decrease in BR for their aircraft?
                              A: It possible that statistical performance decreased for Germany, maybe around 10 - 15%. The changes will most likely be concerning the individual BR. In regards to aircraft it will be similar: If the statistics indicate that a BR change is necessary, it will be acted upon in reasonable time.
                              Q: I think many players disliked the new map (Carpathia) because of lot of blocked views and trees. Is it a new policy to create new maps with little to no open space or will new open maps like Kursk be introduced?
                              A: In the main - we think there are a lot of open spaces in Carpathia. It is not a policy, it just that kind of map. No one needs to draw a conclusion based on that alone. There will be Kursk-like maps, maybe even in next major update. For some in the team, Kursk is not the best map, but some of us like it. It’s purely a personal preference, some people like the cover provided in “interesting” maps and others like the true tank rush feel of open maps. There is also a “Poland” map incoming with a mix of both for simulator battles.
                              有人高兴翻不 没人翻我下午有空了简单搞下

                              15楼2014-07-10 10:06