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【Spamno】Parallel world (慢更+不喜勿入勿喷)



1楼2014-08-13 17:19回复

    1. Theparallel world that was found in the bedroom
    Parallel world do exist in the world, and that waswhat people had always believed in.
    “That is only a funny and boring joke. Parallelworld do not exist.”Rovino looked at his little brother, Feliciano as he placedthe newspaper on the desk and rose fromthe sofa.
    Feliciano immediately grabbed Rovino’s wrist asRovino was about to leave the living room. “Stop! Bro. you should believe inwhat I say! I shall prove to you today, for what I say was correct.” Felicianoheld his brother wrist as tight as he could, as if he was fear to let hisbrother to escape.
    Silence was between the Vargas brothers.
    “Bastard!” Rovino was first to burst out, he triedto swing Feliciano’s hand off, but that was useless. “How dare you for notrespecting your brother? Let go!”
    “Ve… I’m so sorry.” Feliciano glazed onto thewooden floor, and let go of his hand. But soon, he grabbed Rovino’s wrist again.
    “Bro. How dare you for not believing your brother?”Feliciano cried and soon his tone changed, he begged “Only for today, I’ll showyou the parallel world.”
    Rovino looked at his brother, and soon a signslipped through his lips. “Fine, only for today.”
    Feliciano happily let go of his brother’s hand andgave a big smile as he led Rovino toward the bedroom.
    As soon as Feliciano approach the bedroom, herushed to open one of the cupboards. He pointed to the blue-color-swirl in thecupboard and gave a face like ‘So you shall believe in me’ to Rovino.
    “Maybe it’s some kind of magic?”Rovino started toconfuse, he didn’t want to believe that what he had always believed in wasincorrect.
    “I had found it weeks ago, but only today I had achance to show you.” Feliciano lower his view as he explains. Soon, Felicianofelt strange.
    “Brother?” no one responded.
    “Brother!” Feliciano shouted louder as he raisedhis head. He saw his brother was pulled into the swirl. He grabbed the hand ofRovino, trying to pull Rovino back, but soon he was also pulled into the swirl.
    Feliciano felt nothing but cold. He was blind andknowing his body was sinking.
    Both Feliciano and Rovino awareness flows away,further and further…

    2楼2014-08-13 17:43

      3楼2014-08-13 17:45