#爱给予的只是它自己,取走的也只从它自己。 爱不占有,也不能被占有。 爱就在爱中满足。# ---Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed. For love is sufficient unto love.--- 【尼们真是群磨人的小妖精欸 一天不日更就不舒服╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭】
#个人高于人为的法律,直到他触犯了人为的惯例; 从此,他即不高于任何人,也不低于任何人。# ---An individual is above man-made laws until he commits a crime against man-made conventions; After that he is neither above anyone nor lower than anyone.---