A “hunters’ rights” organization has formally requested a federal permit to hold a multi-year predator-killing derby in Idaho -- on national public lands!
If approved, this will be the second competitive wolf-killing competition held in Idaho - and no predator will be safe!
If you care about wolves and other predators as much as I do, please help by telling the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Department of the Interior to deny the request to conduct this organized killing spree.
As if the competitive targeting of wolves was not bad enough, this proposed derby would sweep all predators in Idaho into its gun sights, rewarding the killing of coyotes, skunks and even weasels.
If approved, this will be the second competitive wolf-killing competition held in Idaho - and no predator will be safe!
If you care about wolves and other predators as much as I do, please help by telling the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at the Department of the Interior to deny the request to conduct this organized killing spree.
As if the competitive targeting of wolves was not bad enough, this proposed derby would sweep all predators in Idaho into its gun sights, rewarding the killing of coyotes, skunks and even weasels.