不黑不粉任何人,仅说一点想法,陈诉一点事实。这里有点复杂,zach在房子里表现得很单纯,他的来因是为了popularity,不是来赢的,他做成了。frankie的来因两者兼具,(可惜都没做成)。不知为了取信于人还是因personality使然,竟能和他的同盟说出 “不要突然谋杀zach,用滴管的方式慢慢弄死他” 这样的狠话。转最新推一条:Frankie: "I*m the new Zach, guys. Gay and fat."
转最新三条推: Frankie says lesbians choose to be lesbian. Fuck you @FrankieJGrande. #BB16 有视频,他确实说了。 Frankie saying lesbians choose to be "that way" after bad relationships with men is more offensive then anything said last year. #BB16 Hi I*m a lesbian & according to #bbfrankie unlike gay men,my sexuality is a choice, not innate. My brain is going to explode with rage.