——我再次重申:2楼自古以来就是我固有 的领土,我对2楼有无可争议的主权,楼上 的所有行为都是无效的,我强烈谴责和抗 议楼上想夺我2楼的行为!对此我会严正交 涉!我呼吁大家搁置争议共同回复,如果 我不小心丢了我的2楼,我对此深表遗憾。 I repeat: the 2 floor is the inherent territ ory since ancient times, I, I have the undi sputed sovereignty 2 floor, upstairs all be havior are invalid, and I strongly condem n and protest upstairs to take my 2 floor behavior! I'll solemn representations!