2.亲吻某处 “Bruce!!Bruce!!快点起床!你看我发现了什么!!!” “Shut up!Tony,I need to sleep!”Bruce吼完又向被子里裹了裹,继续睡觉,天知道他一晚上没睡为了神盾局该死的任务。 Tony在发现Bruce再没有任何反应后,走进了卧室,看到Bruce整个人陷在软绵绵的床里很疲惫的样子,本来就卷乱的头发更是乱糟糟的。Tony嘴角上翘,好像想到了什么,轻轻的走近床沿,双手张开,不顾自己身上脏兮兮的就整个人扑在Bruce身上,压得Bruce惊叫一声,“Tony,what are you doing?”Tony没有回答,只是亲了亲Bruce的卷发,将手慢慢收紧,说“Sleep with me”
4.接吻【不要问我3去哪了】 “No,I can't……” “Tony,Tony醒醒!” “Oh.Bruce……” “Are you ok?” “It's nothing……” Bruce当然不会相信It's nothing,Tony额头上都是汗水,他想Tong做噩梦了,梦到了原来那些不好的事情,伸手为Tony擦了擦汗,再附身亲了亲Tony的嘴唇,“Everything is gone.I'm here.”Tony扯了扯嘴角,让自己看起来好一点。起身让Bruce正对着自己“Hey,buddy kissing is not so.”说着Tony吻上了Bruce,轻而易举的用舌头撬开了Bruce合并的牙齿,用心的跟Bruce的舌头苟合。
KING AND BEGGER【题目只是题目】 “Bruce,I have a question,can you answer me ?” “Yes,if I can.” “If there is an afterlife do you want to be a never pay or one who always get people ?” “Tony,this is not like you ask a question,what's up?” “Bruce,I just ask a question.” “Ok,I don't think this is a possible question.But if there is an answer,it will pay well,I don't believe there will be people.” “Hey!buddy,in your next life is good.You are a king!” “Are you kidding?” “I don't know,it just a test!” “I think so.No one wants to destroy the world people to become a king,that is really a disaster.I just become a hell of the devil.”
“No,Bruce you know that's not what I mean.You can't become a devil never.You have me,you are king of my world,you would never hurt me. I love you ,I will always be with you.” “Thank you.I know,I love you.But I think you are a king,driven by a bad man to do some things make you comfortable.” “Like this?Bruce kiss me fuck me,make me hot ,make me feel better.” “A great pleasue,my king.