前田点解后花园吧 关注:35贴子:12,216



Hello. This is Jessica.
I was given a notice of departure from Girls* Generation by the agency on September 29, and I cannot hide my shocked and upset heart about this, so I*m here to reveal my position.
I have always put Girls* Generation*s activities before my business or personal life as a member of Girls* Generation. However, despite my efforts for the team, I have been asked to leave the team by the agency.
While I was planning my business that I*ve had a lot of interest in since before, I had sufficiently consulted SM as well as the members about my preparation many times and asked for their understanding.
Up until the beginning of August when I was launching *BLANC*, I had received agreement and permission from SM, and congratulations from the members as well.
However, in early September, after only a month since the launching, the members suddenly changed their position and held a meeting, and told me to either quit my business or leave Girls* Generation without any justifiable

25楼2014-10-01 11:10
    Jessica and Krystal 的专辑录音都已经完成了。。”由于Jessica被退队计划全部停止
    在On-Style出演真人秀 Jessica & Krystal 的 Jessica 与妹妹 Krystal (本名郑秀晶,20岁)原定在节目第一季结束以后计划发布姐妹两人的 Single专辑。节目制作人遗憾的表示“专辑录制已经完成,就等着录制MV呢,而且正在筹划 Jessica & Krystal 节目第二季,可是现在 Jessica 被退队了”。除此之外,Jessica将无法参加从今以后所有的少女时代活动。
    在30日,Jessica 通过自己的SNS 公布了自己被其他8名少女时代成员通知自己被退队的消息。同日 SM公司也正式发表了Jessica 被退队的消息。少女时代将以8名成员继续活动,Jessica与SM的合约也仍然有效。

    26楼2014-10-01 12:43
      Dispatch article translation (summary) i*m not TLing word by word.
      Dispatch met with 3 people really close to snsd members, one of them close to jessica.
      1. "i*m leaving" is what jessica said. she said she wants to leave repeatedly both january and july this year.
      the members didnt tell her to leave. it*s more like they said choose one or the other.
      2. Last january, she said she wants to marry. july, after concert in japan, she said she wants to stop promoting. at the time, she said she said she cant go any longer, and said she wants to find her own life.
      3. witness said she didnt have determination to be snsd activities. she repeatedly said things like im going to study oversees next year, i*m looking into school, i want to do fashion business, if i quit snsd, i will become designer, etc
      4. members just wished jessica would give her best to her last album if she was gonna get married and do business.
      5. so was she doing her best as snsd activities? she didnt have time. she was really busy with Tyler Kwon concentrated with Blanc fashion brand.
      6. Jessica had Tiffany&Co engagement ring. she told members she would get married next september in hong kong. Tyler Kwon was with her with almost every schedule she had.
      7.. No member disagreed with her fashion business. but no one thought it would be this quick and thought it would be after her marriage. members asked her for one thing: don*t let business be her primary thing and try your best for snsd activities.
      8. sm didnt block her business. contract didnt say she cant have personal business. so they had to approve it.
      9. She already planned out her life after getting out of SNSD. to get portfolio(and not take SAT getting into schools), she was really busy and brand launching was one of the reasons why she launched fast.
      10. she said she was gonna do one last album and focus on her "dream" for later.
      but she was more focused on her personal stuff. so members really pleaded her to focus on snsd activities til last album.
      11. dispatch got info last month on 15th, after some discussion, jessica said she wants to do snsd after marriage.
      12. she didnt want to let go of both. she couldnt let go of her business and she invested too much money ok. other 8 members were ok with her marriage and her business. but wished it was after the promotion. they thought it would be courtesy to the fans.
      13. september, members had a meeting and decided long tour, last album, they cant do it normally. and then they asked for to choose a side. after discussing with her attorney, she changed her mind. she said she will still do snsd activities.
      14. they had meeting 2~3 times. then Jessica left for NY thinking there was no point talking any longer. she returned one day before fan meeting. but members felt it*s been long that to Jessica, snsd was her second job.
      15. jessica put her money more into Blanc than Tyler. his job is launching to china. he*s helping her get the sunglasses into china and hong kong department stroes
      16. in china, Blanc is popular as it*s by "SNSD" jessica. they*re looking into hong kong, singapore, thailand, shanghai, etc
      17. they couldnt accept CF requests more than one year and couldnt go on with it if they get requested.
      18. chances of jessica getting back to SNSD is less than 10%. if anything, for her to come back, she has to place herself first. but it*s gone too far, especially with Tyler involved.
      translation/credit: @ cucluvsic

      27楼2014-10-01 12:58
        what truth

        28楼2014-10-01 13:11

          31楼2014-10-01 18:54

            32楼2014-10-01 18:54

              35楼2014-10-02 08:12
                【edaily】“从最初开始,只有一个想法,就是守护少女时代,对不起”,“请再相信一次” - 泰妍在昨天举行的少女时代TTS粉丝签名会中向粉丝们说出了上面的话.说到这里,泰妍忍不住流下了眼泪

                36楼2014-10-02 08:56

                  37楼2014-10-02 09:07

                    38楼2014-10-02 09:15
                      Reported on k-news that Jessica has been sending emails to journalists about her unfair leave/treatment
                      how can you do this thing like that?
                      jesscia,u r sosi'jesscia,do you?
                      plz dont hurt our sonesT_T
                      i never knew i could hurt like this

                      39楼2014-10-02 16:16

                        41楼2014-10-04 19:10


                          42楼2014-10-04 19:26