托福考试艺术类话题是托福口语的常考话题之一,不论是独立口语还是综合口语,关于艺术的题目一直比较高频,且题目多样。比如,独立口语中比较常见的问题有Should art be added into school courses? Do you agree or disagreewith the idea that high school should teach music and art as other basicscience?
综合口语题也不例外,比如TPO10 Task 3关于Student Art Display, TPO 11 Task 4关于Outsider Art等都是艺术类的话题。所以相对应的,对托福考生们的要求更高了。也就是说,大家不但要积累与自身经历有关的艺术类词汇和素材,更要掌握所有有关艺术的表达方式,才能有的放矢,临危不乱。所以,在这里成都朗阁培训中心的托福专家就为大家呈上详细的托福考试有关艺术类话题的讲解。
首先大家要明确的是,艺术种类远比你想象的要多,它包括了dance, music, craft, design, drawing, painting,opera, sculpture, fashion, performing arts, acrobatics, magic等等。
当提到我们中国独有的艺术时,Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Opera, martial arts等都是举世闻名的艺术种类。托福口语最常提到的就是关于绘画drawing and painting的话题了,首先绘画一类我们叫做fine arts美术,常见的工具有pencil, pen and ink, wax colour pencil, 中国画的工具有writing brush, ink stick, Chinese art paper and inkstone(笔墨纸砚)。如果是油画等西方画作,则常在canvas/cloth上创作。
我们来仔细看一下关于我国国粹艺术的内容。我们的国粹非Beijing Opera(注意Peking是对北京的旧称,现在用Beijing)莫属了,这是我们的national opera。这类话题在新托福和雅思口语考试中都出现过,足以证明它的重要性。
京剧之所以能惊艳众人是因为它是多种精美艺术的结合,包括dancing, painting, martial arts, costume以及丰富多彩的stories/plots。然而随着其它各种音乐种类的流行,年轻人不再给予京剧足够的热情和关注了,这使我们联想到了新托福口语中关于保护传统艺术的重要性和措施的话题。具体可以这样写:虽然传统艺术面临失传的威胁,但科学技术给我们创造了有力的保存和传播工具。政府开始致力于set up a national database, 这些audio recording和video recording都能很好地保存traditional Chinese opera。舞台的表演变成了digital products, 然后被put on the Internet, 以更好地在国内外传播。
Ø One can improve attentionspan(注意广度,即注意力持续的时间)in art creating process in which attention and focus are muchrequired.
Ø Learning art, like painting or sculpturing, facilitates enhancinglearners’ dexterity(灵巧)and eye-hand coordination(手眼协调).
Ø Learning art enables people to develop their imagination,creativity and thinking.
Ø As art is a medium that communicates ideas and concerns, andreflect life and society, learning art can be a process of understandinghistory and current society.
Ø Self-confidence, self-discipline(自律), self-discovery(自我发现), and moreimportantly, perseverance(坚持不懈), are able tobe developed through practice, modification and successful performance.
下面就让我们来看一看综合口语对艺术类话题的考察以及相应的答题策略。我们用TPO 11 Task 4来做详细讲解。
Outsider Art is a term used to describe art that is made bypeople who choose to live and work outside society. The artists who producethis kind of art——Outsider Artists work in isolation from other artists andhave little or no formal artistic training, because they do not learnconventional artistic techniques from teachers or other artists. OutsiderArtists must invent their own ways of doing things. As a result of theunconventional methods that Outsider Artists often use, their work can lookstrange and not at all like traditional art to the observer.
本题的阅读部分已将Outsider Art的定义、风格、艺术家的背景及特点交代得非常清楚。在接下来的听力文本中,说话者对这一艺术形式代表艺术家——Henry Darger进行了详细的介绍,并讲解其绘画特点,与阅读部分相对应。
就如TPO 11Task4, 听力中对于艺术家Henry Darger的背景描述完全与阅读文本吻合,就算不听我们也能预测到这位艺术家的背景。所以只需听出具体的事例,并记下完整信息。
综合口语题也不例外,比如TPO10 Task 3关于Student Art Display, TPO 11 Task 4关于Outsider Art等都是艺术类的话题。所以相对应的,对托福考生们的要求更高了。也就是说,大家不但要积累与自身经历有关的艺术类词汇和素材,更要掌握所有有关艺术的表达方式,才能有的放矢,临危不乱。所以,在这里成都朗阁培训中心的托福专家就为大家呈上详细的托福考试有关艺术类话题的讲解。
首先大家要明确的是,艺术种类远比你想象的要多,它包括了dance, music, craft, design, drawing, painting,opera, sculpture, fashion, performing arts, acrobatics, magic等等。
当提到我们中国独有的艺术时,Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Opera, martial arts等都是举世闻名的艺术种类。托福口语最常提到的就是关于绘画drawing and painting的话题了,首先绘画一类我们叫做fine arts美术,常见的工具有pencil, pen and ink, wax colour pencil, 中国画的工具有writing brush, ink stick, Chinese art paper and inkstone(笔墨纸砚)。如果是油画等西方画作,则常在canvas/cloth上创作。
我们来仔细看一下关于我国国粹艺术的内容。我们的国粹非Beijing Opera(注意Peking是对北京的旧称,现在用Beijing)莫属了,这是我们的national opera。这类话题在新托福和雅思口语考试中都出现过,足以证明它的重要性。
京剧之所以能惊艳众人是因为它是多种精美艺术的结合,包括dancing, painting, martial arts, costume以及丰富多彩的stories/plots。然而随着其它各种音乐种类的流行,年轻人不再给予京剧足够的热情和关注了,这使我们联想到了新托福口语中关于保护传统艺术的重要性和措施的话题。具体可以这样写:虽然传统艺术面临失传的威胁,但科学技术给我们创造了有力的保存和传播工具。政府开始致力于set up a national database, 这些audio recording和video recording都能很好地保存traditional Chinese opera。舞台的表演变成了digital products, 然后被put on the Internet, 以更好地在国内外传播。
Ø One can improve attentionspan(注意广度,即注意力持续的时间)in art creating process in which attention and focus are muchrequired.
Ø Learning art, like painting or sculpturing, facilitates enhancinglearners’ dexterity(灵巧)and eye-hand coordination(手眼协调).
Ø Learning art enables people to develop their imagination,creativity and thinking.
Ø As art is a medium that communicates ideas and concerns, andreflect life and society, learning art can be a process of understandinghistory and current society.
Ø Self-confidence, self-discipline(自律), self-discovery(自我发现), and moreimportantly, perseverance(坚持不懈), are able tobe developed through practice, modification and successful performance.
下面就让我们来看一看综合口语对艺术类话题的考察以及相应的答题策略。我们用TPO 11 Task 4来做详细讲解。
Outsider Art is a term used to describe art that is made bypeople who choose to live and work outside society. The artists who producethis kind of art——Outsider Artists work in isolation from other artists andhave little or no formal artistic training, because they do not learnconventional artistic techniques from teachers or other artists. OutsiderArtists must invent their own ways of doing things. As a result of theunconventional methods that Outsider Artists often use, their work can lookstrange and not at all like traditional art to the observer.
本题的阅读部分已将Outsider Art的定义、风格、艺术家的背景及特点交代得非常清楚。在接下来的听力文本中,说话者对这一艺术形式代表艺术家——Henry Darger进行了详细的介绍,并讲解其绘画特点,与阅读部分相对应。
就如TPO 11Task4, 听力中对于艺术家Henry Darger的背景描述完全与阅读文本吻合,就算不听我们也能预测到这位艺术家的背景。所以只需听出具体的事例,并记下完整信息。