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嗨 大家好
一场艰辛的败仗之后我在家中完成了这周的周记。德比永远都是与众不同的 特别是在曼市德比中体现得尤为强烈, 而在德比之周 你甚至能在大街上感受到这样紧张的气氛。所以那也是为什么我们特别不能接受失败的理由尽管我没有在这次的比赛中登场,但我也能感知整支球队的失落。
在客场对战曼城总是具有挑战性的,也正如他们表现出来的强大的进攻力,但在上半场就有人员领红下场导致事态变得更为复杂。这已经是这赛季第五次我们的队友领到红牌,缺少一名在场球员是多么不利的我们也知道。即使在阿kun进球的时候我们也只有十人在场,我膜在比赛中保持了高比格。。虽然现在说也无济于事。[UNAMUSED FACE]说实话现在来讲 比起分析战术来讲我们更实际的是能全神贯注于取胜的方法以此获得胜利。很显然现在的处境并不是我们想要的,但也正是在此刻 球队不能松散 要团结在一起努力向前。我也确信我们会这样做。
周六我看了几场西甲,皇马又一次大比分获胜,巴萨却在主场落败。由此我们也必须向塞尔塔至于敬意,一直带来惊喜的球队。他们其实在上赛季就打得很不错 现在在Berizzo的带领下也继续卯足劲向前进。
在周六的同时我也关注了另一场德甲大战:败人-破多[LOUDLY CRYING FACE]。尽管已经在降级区周围打转[CONFOUNDED FACE] 破多凭借着歪瓜的进球取得了领先 btw本塔很钟意他哦(感觉怪怪的[FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY])。然而莱万[POUTING FACE]和裸奔还是在终场前逆转了比赛[LOUDLY CRYING FACE]。我喜欢观看德国足球,比赛激情而有观赏性。
说到这里我也差不多该结尾了,但在那之前我想恭喜我的基友荷鸭获得了本月的最佳球员称号。我很荣幸上次我获得了这个奖项 正因为是球迷投票评选的所以他对我而言更有价值。
谢谢大家每周关注我的博客和你们一直以来的支持。祝周末愉快[FACE THROWING A KISS]

IP属地:重庆来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-11-05 00:49回复
    Hi everyone,
    Today I’m writing to you from home after a defeat that is not easy to take. A derby is always special and the one in Manchester is really intense, you can feel it in the streets during the week. That’s why it’s hard to accept that we have lost and, despite not being able to help my team-mates on the pitch, I can tell you that the whole team is very upset.
    Playing away against City is always challenging because they have a big offensive potential, as it was shown, but having one player sent off in the first half just makes things more complicated. This is the fifth time this season that one of us gets a red card, so unfortunately we already know what it means to have one player less. But even if Agüero scored and we were just 10, our team showed pride and almost tied the game, although this time it was not possible. To be honest, right now, rather than looking at the table we have to focus on our path in order to improve and to win games.
    Obviously this situation is not what we wanted, but in this moment the team must stick together and keep on going. I’m sure we will do it.
    On Saturday I watched several games of la Liga. Real Madrid won scoring a lot of goals again, whereas Barcelona suffered a defeat at Camp Nou that was unexpected. We have to give a lot of credit to Celta, a team that may become the big surprise of the championship. They already played nice games last season and now they are doing things very good with Berizzo. Meanwhile, both Atlético and Valencia won against two tough rivals. My former club is enjoying a great start, people are getting really excited with the team and that is something you notice on the pitch. I’m very happy about it.
    Also on Saturday I kept an eye on the biggest game in the Bundesliga in the last few years: Bayern-Dortmund. Despite being at the bottom side of the table, Borussia were close to win it thanks to a goal from Reus, a player I like a lot. However, Lewandowski and Robben made the comeback possible at the very end. I like watching German football, the games use to be very entertaining and exciting.
    I’m leaving you now, but before that I would like to congratulate my friend David de Gea for his award as the best player of United in October. I’ve been lucky to get that trophy in the past and I really value it because it is given by the fans through their votes.
    Our situation is not nice, I can tell you, but I’m fully confident that we will change it against Crystal Palace.
    Thank you for reading this blog and for your continuous support. Have a great week,

    IP属地:重庆来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-11-05 00:54
      西语原文你有吗发一下 @只嫁博亚斯

      IP属地:重庆来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-11-05 00:54

        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端4楼2014-11-05 01:09

          IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端6楼2014-11-06 00:37