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A story of my friend's


by Brandon Salisbury, 05/17/2014

1楼2014-11-13 21:51回复
    Little Ella then looked up from her drawing and, speaking as if she was about to reveal some sort of top-secret, classified information, she leaned forward and said softly: "Timmy said it was a secret, but I know where they go." The doctor smiled at her cuteness.
    "And where*s that?" he asked.
    "They go to the place with the red rocks," she answered him (still speaking in a quiet voice).
    "The red rocks?"
    "Yeah, I*ve seen his drawings! He keeps them under his bed, but I*ve seen them. And one time, I even went there in my dreams! It was fun and we could jump really high!" she said, and went back to drawing.
    "Really? That sounds like a fun place, Ella," he responded.
    "It was. The rocks are very big." She used her hand to show him how tall the rocks were, holding it above her head.
    "Wow, that*s really big! So Ella, can I ask you another question? And you*re doing great by the way; you are very good at answering my questions."
    "Thanks," she replied.
    "You*re welcome. So Ella, do you know where you are now?"
    "Yeah, the hospital."
    "Yes you are," responded the doctor. "Very good. And do you know how you got here?"
    "Daddy took me here!" she exclaimed. He waited a moment before continuing, jotting down some notes.
    "Ella, your daddy didn*t bring you here tonight."
    "Yes he did, I remember coming in the car," she said.
    "Ella, some men found you last night on a road, sweetie. And you were all by yourself out in the cold. Do you remember that?" he asked.
    "No I wasn*t," she said, shaking her head with great big movements.
    "Okay, we can talk about that later," he said. "Can you tell me where you*re from, dear?"
    "We live in Montana by the mountain," she answered.
    "Montana? That sounds like a nice place - I*ve always wanted to go there. And when did you and your family come to Alaska?"
    "We didn*t," she said, scrunching her little face.
    "Ella, that*s where we are now," he said, gently.
    "I want to see my daddy," she said.

    3楼2014-11-13 21:52
      Well dear, we are actually looking for him now, okay? And as soon as we find him, I will let you know."
      "Where is he?" she asked.
      "We don*t know sweetie." He raised his shoulders and smiled when he answered the question and was pretending to be cheerful about it. Ella*s situation was quite strange and the doctor didn*t want to alarm her if he didn*t need to.
      "Okay," she responded. She seemed to be disappointed by his answer, but lacked a greater emotional response that he figured she*d have.
      "You*re a very brave girl, Ella."
      "Not like Timmy though!" she exclaimed.
      "He sounds like a brave boy!" said the doctor. "So what is that you*re drawing there?"
      "This is one of the men from my dreams."
      "The little men?" he asked.
      "Yes," she said, "this one*s named, John."
      "That*s a very nice name," he responded. "That*s my father*s name, actually. Can I see John?"
      "Yeah sure, but he*s not finished yet!" she said, pointing her finger at him and sliding the picture across the table.
      "It*s okay, thanks!" The doctor couldn*t help but laugh.
      As the doctor was looking at the picture, he noticed that Ella had drawn some peculiar markings on John*s chest, which was also bare. They looked like stars (and maybe planets, too).
      "Ella, what are these things on John?" he asked. There was no answer. When he looked up at her, she had an angry look on her face and was starring, intently, into the corner behind to him.
      "What wrong, hun?" he asked.
      "Grumpy*s here," she said with disdain.
      "Who is Grumpy?"
      "He*s one of the little men." The doctor turned and looked over his shoulder, but there was nothing there (just as he knew it would be). "I don*t want to go with you!" she yelled in a loud voice.
      "Ella, it*s okay - we*ll stay right here. You don*t have to go anywhere you don*t want to, okay?" She ignored his words.
      "Stay there, Grumpy!" she yelled, holding out her hand towards the wall.
      "Ella, you*re going to be -"
      "I don*t wanna go with you!" she screamed as tears began to come down her checks. Her attention now shifted towards the doctor as her eyes begged him to help her. "I don*t want to go with him!" she said, becoming highly anxious. "Make him stop!" She then looked back at the wall.
      "It*s just you and me, Ella," he said calmly. "It*s okay."
      "Grumpy, please!" she yelled and put her head down into her arms on the table.
      "You*re okay, sweetie. Just calm down." He could hear her kicking the chair with her legs. She began to the say word, "No," again and again and something incredible happened! Before his eyes, her right arm was jerked from its place on the table and into the air.
      "No!" she screamed. "Stop it, Grumpy, don*t!" The doctor stood to his feet.
      "Ella?" he asked. She was still trying to keep her head tucked into her other arm.
      "I don*t wanna go! I don*t wanna go!"
      And then, in one swift movement, she was pulled from the chair and fell to her knees.
      "You*re hurting me," she cried. "Make him stop!"

      4楼2014-11-13 21:52
        This is a terror story written by Brandon,however,it*s not only a story.Through this story,you may notice something happening around us unsettling.
        Think about it,is there anything horrible happening around you?what is that and why it makes you feel horrible.

        6楼2014-11-13 22:13
          Many things around me makes me feel horror,war,diseases,sicknrss,death,departure,betray,these make me feel unsettled.Because I cannot pridict them,I cannot feel or touch them,they are not pysical.They just happened to me without my preparation.Some times they happen in my dreams,and I would frightened to woke up,think about them,why they happened in my dream!How possible!And I may cry because it*s too frighten.

          7楼2014-11-13 22:20
            Then you should think about how to change these horroble horroble things.Unsettling is not a good word....You may always have a planB. whatever you meet,you always have two ways to go.That reduce the unsettling.To think more before you do one thing.Think about what would happen and what you shuould do if it really happens.Think more aspects of it.Always have preparation ,you life will be easier,because evry is almost in your contral.TAke it easy.

            8楼2014-11-13 22:29

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