122.What fancied value,trivial effect,or transient promise never to be kept can hold more hope than what forgiveness brings? 那些如梦如幻的价值,微不足道的成果,或者稍纵即逝的许诺,岂能比宽恕给你更大的希望?
123.This holy half an hour given Him will be returned to you in terms of years for every second,power to save the world eons more quickly for your thanks to Him. 你所献给他的这神圣的半小时,每一秒都会转为数年的回报;也因着你对他的感恩,这拯救之力会为世界省下好几劫。
125.You will need no rule but this to let your practicing today lift you above the thinking of the world and free your vision from the body's eyes. 此外,你不需要任何其他指示,今天的练习会将你提升到世俗思维之上,使你的慧见不再受到肉眼所限。
126.And if you only catch a tiny glimpse of the release which lies in the idea we practice for today,this is a day of glory for the world. 你若能看出今天的观念所给你的解脱力,即使只是惊鸿一瞥,这一天就成了全世界的凯旋之日。
128.Each thing you value here is but a chain that binds you to the world,and it will serve no other end but this. 你在此珍惜的每一样东西,都成了将你束缚于人间的桎梏,这是它对你的唯一用处。
132.It is not pride which tells you that you made the world you see and that it changes as you change your mind. 你眼前的世界是你营造出来的,只要改变你的心意,世界就会随之改观;这种说法绝非出自傲慢。
133.Next,if you choose to take a thing away from someone else,you will have nothing left.This is because when you deny his right to everything,you have denied your own. 其次,你若想由别人那里夺取任何东西,你就会丧失一切。这是因为你一旦否定了他拥有一切的权利,无异于否定你自己这一权利。
134.Those who are forgiven from the view their sins are real are pitifully mocked and twice condemned-first by themselves for what they think they did and once again by thoes who pardon them. 你若视对方真的有罪而宽恕他,那么,被宽恕者实在被愚弄得很可怜,他被定了两次罪:先是被自以为犯了罪的自己定罪,又被那些原谅他们的人定罪。
135.A sense of threat is an acknowledgement of an inherent weakness,a belief that there is danger which has power to call on you to make appropriate defense. 忧患意识,等于承认自己天生的软弱无能,它认定眼前的威胁逼着你不得不起身做合理的自卫。