Jun Sawaki:遭雷击了,而且不止一次 Hugh Panaro:很明显,在地下宫赶蚊子 Uwe Kroger:演伊丽莎白没过瘾,死某附体(这个妹子不是Pia女王,会摔坏的!!而且不能这么摸的!!) Katie Knight Adams(C的演员):高-潮了。。。把E吓到了 Anthony Warlow:哭闹的婴儿 Cooper Grodin(没错US TOUR的家伙):倒地不起,也不打算起(我家鹦鹉躺就这样。。。)
《嗜血法医》书里: “No,” he said. “Yes,” I said. “Oh, no,” he said. “Oh, yes,” I said. He screamed, “NOOOO!” I yanked on the noose. His scream was cut off and he fell to his knees. He made a wet croaky whimpering sound and covered his face. “Yes,” I said. 想到了什么? Daroga:Erik no! Erik:Erik yes!