A friend like you There's lots of things With which I'm blessed, Tho' my life's been both Sunny and Blue, But of all my blessings, This one's the best: To have a friend like you. In times of trouble Friends will say, "Just ask...I'll help you through it". But you don't wait for me to ask, You just get up And you do it! And I can think Of nothing in life That I could more wisely do, Than know a friend, And be a friend, And love a friend...like you. 朋友如你 许多事物, 我都有幸拥有, 我的人生充满丽日晴空, 而在所有的人生幸事之中, 最珍贵的却是: 有朋友如你这般。 困难时, 朋友会说, “只要说一声......我会帮你渡过难关。” 而不等我开口, 你就站起身, 说干就干! 我想不出, 此生还有什么 更明智之举 胜过认识一位朋友, 结交一位朋友, 挚爱一位朋友......如你这般。