-- 你不懂我。我不怪你。我茫然不知哪做的不好不对?可能就是不好不对吧!没什么,我不烦你打扰你就是了。这就叫做咎由自取,自取其辱吧!我不恨你!我的世界你来过无悔。你是我心底珍藏的最美好的记忆,最美的画卷。我要你开心快乐生活无忧。。。。 You do not understand me. I do not blame you. I am unsure of what to do bad is not it? May be bad right now! No, I do not trouble you to disturb your wants. This is called only himself to blame, disgrace! I do not hate you! My world, you come to regret. You are the best memory of my heart treasured .